Hi there,
new to the forum and cnc. In construction phase of first cnc mill, a baby one, 220x220x150 (mm) with quality second hand linear ways, zerobacklash
ground ballscrews, 5 phase steppers fitted with <3 arc min backlash planetaires. Resolution 1um ( < 0.5um backlash) at full step. Finer resolution
dubious given the backlash of the planetaires, budget did not extend to harmonic drives.
My initial application is PCB manufacture using EAGLE, it generates gcode, machined with MACH3.
Testing to date MACH (latest stable release, demo only) running one parallel port to MB02 BOB thru drivers to steppers. Bit of a learning curve to setup
but no major probs. Had some difficulty getting stable output pulses from my old PC. Was necessary to modify PC setups to allow pulser to run properly.
Using second hand KR-5M drivers, a bit wimpy and underdone but cheap. Mountains of torque at 300mm/min but crappy @ 500mm/min. Having opted
for 5 phase steppers the choice of drivers is limited with good second hand units costing as much and more for say Gecko's are new. Will have to make
do until mill operational. First PCB's likely to be own design driver boards! Published specs suggest 1000mm/min should be achievable with decent drivers
My reading in the forum mainly centred around a dedicated computer to run MACH3. Interested in industrial types running WINDOWS EMBEDDED/ XPlite
or optimised install of XP.
I'm an electrical/electronics tech involved with repairing industrial welders/plasmas and the like. Other interests are competitive sailing, model aircraft
and glider flying (budget constrained), food and sex...lol, and not in that order!