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Author Topic: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!  (Read 4812386 times)

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #750 on: February 17, 2010, 01:56:11 AM »

Just finished my machine. Built to cut wood, foam and plastics. I am currently a custom cabinet maker and enjoy pushing myself to learn new things. Im sure I will have alot fo questions to ask everyone. Thanks for the info in advance.

L. Boots
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #751 on: February 18, 2010, 10:02:30 PM »
I have lurked for a few months and finally decided to post.I am a patternmaker by trade and started using cnc mills almost 20 years ago.Now I want to try my hand at some retrofits using Mach.
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #752 on: February 19, 2010, 11:21:14 AM »
My name is Ray, I am very new to CNC. I have a hobby workshop that I love to tinker in. I really enjoy working with computers and automation is interesting to me so I decided it would be fun to get a CNC Router and play around with it. I  started looking at routers and finally bought a used cnc from a guy in Texas with the promise of tech support.  :) Now that I finally got it delivered after a month, I am trying to get it up and running and as you might expect, this guy won't answer calls or return emails. Needless to say I am frustrated. He didn't send me any documentation for the machine. I do not know how it is wired or what the drive controles are, however he did send me a config file for Mach.and said all I had to do is past it in the Mach folder and everything would work. I have done this and when I go into Mach3Mill the screen is blank, except for the very top where it says File, Config, etc. I made a new profile named CNC Router. I can start this up and the screen is not blank but when I put his config file in the Mach folder I get a blank screen. Can anyone please help me figure this thing out?
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #753 on: February 20, 2010, 07:56:14 PM »
My name is Jimmy Haskins
   I cant remember if I posted in here the first time I tried to use this software or not. But here goes an update anyway.
I have worked in industry controls for years and years. Have programed in many platforms that are common in industry. Most of them are PLC and do not have anything to do with CNC. Currently I am employed by 2 companies one of which I am half owner in. That company owns two milling machines and four lathes. The other company makes food products and actually is profitable. I own none of it.
  The company that I do own part of is called Industrial Technicians and was doing service for industry as far away as Jamaica for a while. Then a nasty divorce forced me to seek steady employment and cut it back. So it is in the rebuilding stage. Before I quit the steady pay check it is my intention to have all the CNC lathes operational. I have already upgraded the Anilam Crusader II mill to Camsoft. An expansive mistake I do not wish to repeat. While having quick technical support at hand was very nice the program just does not seem to meet my needs. I am looking forward to learning the exciting rich features of Mach software. Just watching the videos has awakened me to the power of this platform Wow. Cant wait to get into the roots of this thing. However I am going to need a tennney tinnney bit of help. LOL

Looking forward to getting to know all of the folks here and learning from you all

Thanks Jimmy
Ride safely I need all my friends
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #754 on: February 22, 2010, 10:24:55 AM »
Pleased to meet you, I have just constructed a small mini mill for machining wax and plastics, hope to use mach3.  Just got the software up and I'm still learning the basics
Stuart  The Fixer
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #755 on: February 22, 2010, 01:21:51 PM »

My name is Randy I live in Toronto Canada and I just this very minute got my CNC Sherline 2000 mill up and running with the Mach 3 software. In the late 1970's and early 80's I was a machinist involved in the building of Palette lines and head lines. CNC was a rare tool to have for any machine shop back then. Its been 35 years since I have even looked at a mill or lathe. I look forward to the fun that will unravel in the years to come. I bought this machine to make parts for things that I need for my AV business and of course to make other stuff too. I am sure I will have questions for all you Mach 3 experts out there to help me become well versed in CNC Machining. The lathe will be here in a few months. Any suggestions for what kind of CAD/Drawing program that work with Mach 3 and Lazy Cam? What about Lazy Cam Pro?
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #756 on: February 22, 2010, 01:45:33 PM »
Relatively new to the forum, been lurking and running the demo version of Mach3 while building my Rockcliff  model A CNC.
Got it up and running just yesterday and ready to start making some sawdust. I’m a software guy by trade, but have always had a wood working project in the shop as my escape. I started making duck calls a few years ago and that hobby lead me to CNC. Not for the barrels, that’s the fun part of call making, but for the tone boards. Tone boards need to be very precise, and consistency is mandatory. Most folks use hardened steel jigs. Jigs are expensive and you can’t just make one any time you need one. Being able to use different radi (arc’s) is my goal, and I want to do it with software, not jigs. I also want to be able to probe a toneboard I already have fine tuned and then cut that on my CNC. I have a LOT to learn but don’t doubt I will get it all working with the support tools provide by Art, and of course the folks on this forum.  I’m looking forward also to making a few other things on the CNC, that’s why I built the 12x12 instead of buying one of the much smaller kits that would have sufficed for just the tone boards.
Also using a notebook and a Smooth Stepper with no problems so far....
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #757 on: February 22, 2010, 07:23:53 PM »
Good evening to every one,my name is Eugenio Aleman,Im a cuban, from miami,florida former as screw machining
specialist on 1964 in Rostov,Rossia,graduated on ISPJAE habana,cuba as mechanical engenier,last 20 years on miami work on srew machine,start my own machine shop w srew machine and cnc lathe and mill from HASS,I haved the time to pass it to my son,start a new machine shop in El Salvador C.A. and lost it ,now I have an a Hass cnc VCM (milling),
I made an a router machine I planed to made an art work on it,but I like to made machines I have 66 years old,and.....
still running,maybe I will made a lathe now??!
Thanks to every for reading my post.Eugenio.
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #758 on: February 24, 2010, 01:05:31 AM »
Hi All,

I'm another old newbie, that is, up there in years but new to CNC. I had run a manual mill and lathe in a former life and am delighted to see the advances in computers on CNC stuff.  Back in '71 no one ever heard of a "personal computer", a simple calculator cost $250.00 then.

I'm building a DIY machine right now and have some problems with stepper motors. I've spent the last two weeks messing around with them and have accomplished little, however I am learning Mach 3!  Should I post my setup questions here or is there another listing that deals with setup?

I've been reading the posts on this site and I am very impressed with the knowledge base of the users and the willingness to share that knowledge. I hope that my questions will be reasonable, 'cause I'm tired of hitting my head on the table. Maybe I'm just not using the right search phrase for my problems.....?


Rick in Sacramento
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #759 on: February 24, 2010, 02:38:13 AM »
Hi guys
My name is Glen and I hail from Cape Town, South Africa
I have been working with CNC machines for the last 6years or so after getting thrown in the deep end by my brother with a 2hr crash course!!! lol
My main hobby is paintball and am always looking for a opportunity to sneak a personal project in  >:D
looking foreward to getting to know ya all!!