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Author Topic: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!  (Read 4690798 times)

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #470 on: January 20, 2009, 03:32:25 PM »
EXCELLENT work so far on the guide Steve.
Hope you are planning to re-do the TURN guide as well when it's ready.
I'll see if I can get Ron to talk to you about it. ::)  :)
RC 8)
7ofclubs Intro
« Reply #471 on: January 22, 2009, 01:15:26 AM »
Sure I will introduce myself

I just retired from the military after 26 years of service.  I am 46 and planned on staying retired but I just can't do it...toooooo bored. 

I learned about CNC machines several years ago while I was stationed in Korea and studied them intently.  When I got home I bought a HobbyCNC kit, soldered away and built my own homebrew system.  I am really surprised at how accurate the thing is.  I have it down to an accuracy of .001 if my digital calipers are correct.

Anyway, while I was in the military I was an air traffic controll supervisor and cast and sold silver and gold jewelry as stress relief.  I figured with a CNC machine I could make some really cool stuff, and judging from what I have seen from the pix on these forums I should be able too.  I bought Rhino 4.0, taught myself how to use it and then crashed. 

I have been about to cut some things in machinable wax that look really great as practice pieces but nothing that I could or want to sell.  I have tried many different programs: my lastest was using Meshcam to convert .bmps to gcode and then use TurboCNC to cut the wax.  I think my problem might be that I don't have the cutting tool setup correctly.  I found Mach3 and I hope that I will be able to configure it so that I can cut out some medallions.

I have read and reread the manual but I am still missing something....hopefully these forums will help.

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #472 on: January 26, 2009, 03:56:10 AM »
Hi (looking at name tag) uh Marty yep that's it! ok J/k ok don't ban me or anything ok I'll be good!  

Well I down loaded Mach1 or 2 back about 4 years ago or so then paid for the full thing what 2 3 years ago! I Love this Product!!! Great Job Guy's.

Well I started out back then not knowing a thing about CNC or Software Cad Cam I was even kinda new to all of this I guess, but Artsoft helped a lot and well I have been making parts with my Taig and Mach3 and it is just the best and there and others are always willing to help out.

So Hi all I will be the one taking all the info I can from this pool here Never stop learning! plus to much time on my hands and was forced to retire So I make things now.
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #473 on: January 26, 2009, 03:33:26 PM »

Mach 3 world! My name is William.

I'm building a x-y cnc using a Mechtronics 4 axis board, 3 Keling 8 wire steppers (KL23H286-20-8B) and of course Mach 3 software. I'm having problems getting everything working. I'm not sure wheither to set up the steppers series or parallel (2 different wiring configurations). Also I'm not sure if I have the Mach 3 is communicating with Mechtronics board - I'd like to just jog the motors knowing  are connected and functional before I try g-code.

Can anyone point me the right direction to get this going?


William G. (Bill) Kurth
Design Edge, Inc.

Offline enrique

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #474 on: January 26, 2009, 06:06:39 PM »
hello folks my name is Enrique
 I am an artist/signwriter turned jewellery designer working in the jewellery workshop in southport ...i love cnc and aspire to buiding my own machine  i am interested in a gantry type at first becuase i have more uses for one but i also would like to build a nice micro mill (better than the taig i am using at work) with high a frequency spindle, i really fancy a revo but cant afford one and my boss is to .....busy.... to realise the advantage of accuracy and speed .....so i obviously need some CASH to build said dream machine so if any one needs any gcode for 4axis or flat work in return for a few portraits of her majesty
i would be only to pleased to design your company logo or belt buckle in three D.
i also make lovely jewellery so if yer missus is treatin yer well, why not treat her to a nice very expensive platinum ring or pendant for just a few grand.....otherwise just email me with a donation for the poor mans cnc fund ....
well it was worth a laugh ...ill probably be banned now for advertising ...
« Last Edit: January 26, 2009, 06:10:52 PM by enrique »
Designer from the Jewellery workshop Southport Using artcam, and mach three, taig mill and fingers
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #475 on: January 26, 2009, 09:40:02 PM »
I'm Daniel and I have been using Master 5 almost since it came out. I recently downloaded the newest version of Mach , but I have not had the time to set it up on my New computer.
 I just started having problems with my old Master 5 and I'm wondering were I can download the last Lockdown version of master 5 . For most of what I have been doing, Master 5 still works great and when I get a chance, I will get Mach working as well. Anyone know where I can download the last version ?

I have a Jewelry casting factory in RI. and primarily use the programs to cut models in carving wax or brass on our 4 axis cnc that we built about 8 years ago...

We do casting and finishing in a large assortment of metals... if anyone needs that, please let me know.

The CNC I built is a highly modified max NC...Built my own control system.  Replaced all the lead screws with high end screws... created guides on the sides of each table so that there is no play . Found a 30,000 rpm spindle with a brushless (belt) drive I bought on ebay. cuts really nice  in carving wax.
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #476 on: January 26, 2009, 09:42:31 PM »
My name is Richard and live in Ontario, Canada, I am mechanical designer with 21 years experience, I have one mini-mill and one mini-lathe, and will convert them into CNC machine, that is why I come to this site to exchange ideas with friends.

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #477 on: January 27, 2009, 09:15:10 AM »
Hello guys i am new here in machsupport, i am to learn everything in your forum...

Great thing to know about Busby SEO Test.
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #478 on: January 27, 2009, 07:22:50 PM »
Hi Everyone,

My name is Patrick and I'm very new to Mach3 and CNC in general.  I completed a home built CNC machine in 2008 and I having a blast with it.  I've been doing woodworking for almost 25 years and this was like starting all over again.  Here's a YouTube of the machine...


I'm off to post some questions...

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #479 on: January 28, 2009, 10:35:48 AM »
I´m Odinson from Brazil and I've builted my own cnc.
I'm 46. I've got an engineering degree on Radio frequency heaters.
I've build my cnc to make the cliché that will be used on them.
It´s a pity that the mach is not translated to portuguese.