hey ron neely here, ive been woodworking for bout 20-25 years, & started with a legacy ornamental mill. but as i have progressed into making custom pens, i purchased a deep groove cr2019 taig mill with the g540 gecko controller, i had someone help me set it up & create some codes to run my spiral pens & 6 sided pens,etc. but due to conflicts i have lost touch with him. i am very green to put it mildly about cnc? but my main problem is, i just installed a license to try to run some sample v carve pro trials to get my mill to be more adaptable to my work, but in the install somehow i lost my driver! tried to reinstall but to no avail my motors would not move! so i reinstalled ona newer computer, the v carve program ran fine except i had to change the direction of my y axis! but when i try to run my spiral g code programs for my pens, it moves very slow in the x axis & only cuts the blank round instead of 4 starts of spiraling! i have a bd tools indexer for my 4th axis, & before it was set up to cut in degrees. like starting at 90 then spiraling all the way to the end, then it would return to o, & start at 180, then 270 then 360. now it only turns it round very slowly? i tired to access my old computer for the settings but i uninstalled it trying to get my driver back & lost all my pin settings,etc.. i have a licensed version now & installed an xml from deepgroove to set it up, but still not workin right with my 4th axis! now im lost in space? can anyone please help me? thanx ron neely