Hi all,
My name is Jeremy. I built a gantry style router/plasma machine with T slot aluminum over the last couple of years. I finally got it finished, then decided I wanted a laser. I got an 80 watt Reci laser from lightobject.com. I have it mounted on the side with mirrors and the cutting head. I had to remove my Z axis assembly for that.
I am having an issue with Mach 3, and wanted to see if I could get some help. I was experimenting with loading a G-code file and running it to tweak motor speeds, etc. I drew up a basic flame outline with netscape, opened the DXF file in CamBam, and generated G-code. So at first, when I loaded the g-code to mach3, it would show my part in the tool path window, I could run the program, and my machine would move appropriately. At some point as I was going back and forth between another computer with CamBam and my machine computer with my g-code fle, mach 3 geeked out on me. When I load the g-code, it does not show anything in the toolpath window, and if I hit run, it starts moving in a wierd swirl pattern.
I have tried going back to CamBam and regenerating the g-code, I tried rebooting the machine computer. I copied the mill profile and started another profile in case I screwed up a setting, I even uninstalled mach 3 completely and re-installed it. Each time I get the same results. It does not show the part in the tool path window like it originally did, and just moves in a random swirl pattern.
Also, when it was running right, I noticed that my motors did not move as smoothly as they did when I just jog with mach 3. Actually they were quite jerky. I have Kelling KL4030 motor drivers, C10 breakout board, and 425 oz in steppers from automationtechnologiesinc.com. I currently have the drivers set at 1/4 stepping. I wasn't quite sure which setting to go with.
I would greatly appreciate any help. I am trying to get a small business of the ground, and just paid for mach 3 and CamBam in the past couple of days.
I'll see if I can post a couple pictures of my machine.
Ok. Not sure how to post a pic.