Hi all
my name is Holger. I'm living in Germany, building and piloting model airplanes, especially control line planes but also R/C, model yachts and milling by my self-constructed CNC mill since 2002.
My machine is a 1100mm(X)x660mm(Y)x150mm(Z) portal mill with a Proxxon driven spindle. Control is by Ostermann's (NC-step) electronic (Step3D plus extension+relais board & optocoupler board). Software was up to now PCNC DOS version. That's why I'm used to Keyboard shortcuts and HPGL data.
Materials I'm working withs are wood (balsa to mahagony) mostly, but also plastic and alu. As electronics takes a great slot of my hobbies also drilling+milling of PCBs is done by the mill.
Due to the loss of the next floppy drive due to dust in the workshop I looked around for a state of the art software replacement using common OS and LAN functionality. My choice after testing several available programs was to order Art's MACH3. I'm convinced by the open, flexible user interface and the great community around.
So far the first parts are milled by my new MACH3, I'm becoming more and more familiar with it and in my imagination there are already the first helpful things under construction: Jogging wheel, web cam for positioning when drilling PCBs (hardware already mounted).
Meanwhile I determined some problems. May be this comes from lack of experience or lack of some hints how to do. I'll use this forum to ask those things.
Let me apologize just now if I ask things handled by older threads here. I'm new here and I'm not a native Englisch speaker, so I may miss some phrases to search for. Please direct me to the proper threads then. Thank you and happy milling!