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Author Topic: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!  (Read 4690316 times)

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1730 on: May 11, 2013, 01:01:53 PM »
Hello Family,

It is a real pleasure to be here with you, and learning as we go. I have been using mach3 for about 4 years now, and I absolutely love it. I do
however have a problem, that I need your professional help with please. My older computer bit the dust which had the printer cable 25DB pin on the back of the computer.

I purchased another newer, computer, a Dell 531, which has "NO" 25DB cable pin outlet on the back of it. I have purchased a converter cord, a "USB to 25DB pin printer cable," and it does not work period! This was supposed to take the old cables place!

I attached the 25BD connecter of the new cable to my "control box" that I turn on to run my mach 3, and the other end of the same cable into the USB port of my computer. It will not run my equipment.

Since that time , I have now read that a "converter 25DB to USB printer cable" will "NOT" run the machine, it's suitable only for use as a printer cable to run a printer. I found this information out in the mach3 training manual section 4.1.

Question now for you is , what do I do. What do I need to run my mach 3 Zenbot machine from my computer. I know the old computers had the 25DB ports on the back of them, but now the newest computers do dot. How do I deal with this?? ANY help here is appreciated! I want to get up and running.

Thanks Family,


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1731 on: May 12, 2013, 02:15:27 AM »
Hi Earl,

Welcome to the forum.

It is usually better to post any questions, such as this, as a new topic in the General section because it has more exposure and a better chance of helpful replies.

Some, perhaps many motherboards which do not have the DB25 socket often have a 26 way IDC type (parallel port) socket on the board somewhere. A short 26 way IDC to DB25 converter cable can then be used in these circumstances.
Failing that then the options are to get another motherboard which has the parallel port or use an external motion controller (USB or Ethernet) such as the Smooth-Stepper http://warp9td.com/

Hope this helps.

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1732 on: May 12, 2013, 05:06:12 AM »
H my name is Henry.i Im new to this forum and Im wondering if anyone out there can help me with my situation. I currently have an old morbidelli 502 of which the controller died and is going to cost a small fortune to repair or replace.I purchased alphacam which I used to create drawings which I then saved to floppy disk then had to insert it into the morbidelli to transfer the data.The alphacam package cost a lot of money and Ive learned how to use it over the last 12 years and Im reluctant to get rig of it. My question is, how can I get to use it with Mach3 and with what post processor. Ive managed to get as far as opening the code through alpha edit through merlino in Mach3 but am unable to put the code into Mach3 for it to run. I have a demo copy of Mach3 is this maybe the problem ? Can anyone please help, Cheers.

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1733 on: May 12, 2013, 08:11:05 AM »
Hi Henry,

Welcome to the forum.

It is always best to post any questions as a new topic in the General section or other appropriate section as this place is really only for introductions.

This thread may be of interest to you regarding Alphacam post processors http://www.machsupport.com/forum/index.php/topic,3607.0.html

Alternately, do a search for Alphacam from the main page to find more threads containing more information.

Hello everyone, glad to get started and talking to folks on this forum...
« Reply #1734 on: May 12, 2013, 11:02:24 PM »
Hi, My name is Gary.  I purchased a CNC running Mach3 software last fall and I'm just now starting to get acclimated to it.  The computer locked up almost immediately, so I put in a new one and loaded the software and all of the settings that were in the notes for the setup.  I'm a novice, but very smart when it comes to figuring things out.  I have to admit this thing has me stumped.

Of course, I've done the guy thing and only referred to the manual when I got stuck on something.  Seems self explanatory except when I go to use it.  I'll open the Mach 3 Mill program, hit tab to bring up the toggle controller and I click on the  +X and it will move away from "0", then it will just stop and I'll no longer have any control.  One time I removed the checkmark from work offline and pressed the -X and it moved the length of the table and then stopped again with me not having any control.

Looking at the software so far.  You can click the offline button, but the minute you go online the "Reset" E stop activates, so it's a vicious cycle, click "offline" press Reset and all is fine, no error messages or anything, but if you pull down the menu and uncheck the work offline, the Reset message comes up and the only way I've found to shut if off is to once again go off line.

What am I missing here?  Also, if a load G Code, the software appears to be counting on the X, y and z axis, but the machine is not moving at all and of course it's on the offline creating the bad cycle again.

Would love to hear from some of you on this issue and also the best way to learn the operation of the CNC without reading the entire manual, which does not seem to have any troubleshooting information that I can find.

Thanks in advance for your help...have a great day!  Gary<a href="http://" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" class="bbc_link bbc_flash_disabled new_win">http://</a>

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1735 on: May 13, 2013, 01:40:57 AM »
Hi Gary,

Welcome to the forum.

Please post your question, including as many details about your set-up as you think are relevant (WinOS, machine & controller type, version of Mach3 being used etc), as a new topic in the General section. This will receive more exposure and have a better chance of finding a solution to the problem you are having.

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1736 on: May 13, 2013, 11:29:21 PM »
Hey folks -

I'm Josh, general hobbyist/tinkerer, delving into the world of CNC.  I have a working machine at the moment that I put together, and am currently using Inkscape->Google Sketchup->Mach3 to create what I want. 

So far, I've tested my machine with a Sharpie marker, a Dremel Tool, and am building a tool holder for a router, and then plasma cutter. 

I am currently trying to figure out how to get my machine to kick over the relays to turn the tools on and off, and am banging my head against the wall trying to figure it out. 

So far, I'm having a blast!  :)
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1737 on: May 16, 2013, 08:50:36 PM »
My names Karl. Live in Kannapolis,NC. had a torchmate1 table for over 10 years. just converted my table over to CandCNC.

Been in the fabrication buss for 25+ years. Recently lost my job of 15years. decided to try it on my own. Hope it's not a mistake :-\
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1738 on: May 18, 2013, 06:57:57 AM »
 8)Hi my name is Henry I live in Auckland New Zealand.I've been working with Alphacam cad/cam and scm prisma 5 axis router for the last 5 years and a 3 axis 5 years before that.I bought an old Morbidelli 502 router for my own home use. The controller died soon after I found out how to get code onto it via floppy discs(what a mission).I discovered Mach3 after searching the net for a solution. So far I've been pleased with the choices and support. Live and Prosper
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #1739 on: May 28, 2013, 01:22:10 AM »
Hi there I am New I have a Zen Toolworks


I built it from a box of parts
I was in and out of Hospitals and rehab starting in Sept 4 2012 for Quadruple Heart Bypass I finely came home in Feb 5th 2013
wile in rehab I ordered it and when I came home I started out in wheel chair then to a walker started back driving in April 2013
I hane it all assembled & hooked up to a PC computer and I would like to do Knife Scales the wood grips on a knife

I live in Janesville WI 53546 USA 1-608-752-3690 lan7755@gmail.com

so any help to get started would be great

thanks Larry