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Author Topic: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!  (Read 4692369 times)

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Offline ZLP

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« Reply #780 on: March 20, 2010, 08:53:19 AM »
Hello, simply posting a message up to introduce myself.
Don't really want to tell you all about myself as it would probably bore you.
Anyhow, at 55 yrs, I can't really claim to be a "new" member (although its my first visit here).

Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #781 on: March 20, 2010, 09:51:57 AM »
Hi Paul,

That's some project you have taken on there.
I think you will need plenty of those bottles of beer before it is completed.  ;D
Wishing you every success with the rewiring.

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #782 on: March 21, 2010, 07:53:36 AM »
Hi All,

just joined dropped a line or two to tell you a bit about myself and 

my Name is rob and i hale for melbourne australia, i recently got the cnc need to machine and decided to build my own
cnc router, which i have now finished it took me well into a year of being a weekend warrior.

needless to say the week days are filled with the money for work thing.

i started out build a reasonable size one (X=800mm Y=1300mm  Z=300mm ) which will travel at 4.5 M/min
can push it to 6 M/min but puts alot of forces on everything but pretty impressive i think.

now i have added a tool changer to the mix i went a spent some money on the mid west rapid tool changer with
the porter cable router.( don't if it was a good spend but probably get told -- what the !! )

Here is the link :- http://www.midwestrapidtool.com/

Just rebulit all the macros to set up the tool rack and setting for 8 tools now works very well, supplied macros
where not the best and did not fuction all that well.

now the machine works well hopefuly i will be able to write a program and cut a nice shape and feed the need to machine.


Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #783 on: March 22, 2010, 06:18:30 PM »

My name is Philip form Deep River, ct and I run a sign shop.
Been using mach 3 with a CNC router to make signs and has been working great untill
it just doesn't work and I can't figure out what is wrong.

Going crazy,


Offline Tweakie.CNC

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Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #784 on: March 23, 2010, 03:38:25 AM »
Hi Philip,

Welcome to the forum.

Describe your problem, best you can, and post on the General Mach Discussion page. The problem will be sorted - a lot of the guys here are very experienced and clever at resolving problems.

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #785 on: March 23, 2010, 12:24:50 PM »
Thank You
Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #786 on: March 24, 2010, 06:54:25 AM »
Hi All,

My name is Dave Soane and I'm from Durban, South Africa. The place they're going to be playing a lot of soccer in a few month's time !

I am not actually a machining dude, I'm more of a software type, but I have been asked to help a friend of mine who is building a lathe and wants to use Mach3 on it. I have posted specific questions about that in the relevant section of the forum.

But in the meantime I am learning plenty, and it's very interesting. It's actually good to see software having a physical manifestation, rather than simply staying on a computer and having its only output visible on a screen.

No doubt I'll be trawling this forum and asking plenty of (dumb) questions in the future. Be gentle !

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #787 on: March 24, 2010, 09:05:36 AM »
Hello Dave:

Welcome and good luck. This is the place to be there are some very bright people lurking in these pages.

All the best,

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #788 on: March 26, 2010, 11:29:19 AM »
Hi ,
I'm kevin, and i live in Alberta, Canada, started my apprenticeship in the oil and gas industrial world,    I'm fairly new to the cnc world and it fascinates me , i have recently finished my apprenticeship  and am now am a journeyman. i live on a dairy farm, have many of my own machines but recently decided to challenge myself and build my own cnc to learn more of the fundamentals, two years to build the first cutting table. Now i am building a one for the company i work for, this one is a little more challenging because they want to me to do it in a month.

i enjoy doing farm work, (farmboy at heart) i own quad, sleds and any fun toy you can imagine, grew up in a 6 person family who have gone to become welder, mechanics, airplane mechanics and farmers. i surf the web for knowledge on anything

what i hope to accomplish is learn as much as i can about cnc and help others , as that is what i do now at my current job.

Re: New people welcome !! Come in here and introduce your self!
« Reply #789 on: March 26, 2010, 05:24:05 PM »
Hello my name is Shane and I have been hooked on cnc for about 10 years. I was employed as a project manager for a local millwork company who owned a Mayer cnc beam saw and a weeke Cnc router. I was the one who generated to cutlists for these machines. Mostly converting dxf files I drew in autocad to g code.

I now have a millwork company of my own and have a Holzma beam saw of my own... robots are the way to go for accuracy and speed.

For the last four years I have been struggling to make a small cnc router to process parts after they leave the saw.... it's been very difficult, and I had given up on it three of those years.

The machine I built is a gantry style with a working table of 6' x 3'.... it's a mixture of steel and aluminum for the frame,  the movements are made using ballscrews and pillow block linear slides, mach 3 of course is the control program and a logitrol cnc miscostepper drive handles the motor moves. The motors are a little much .... 1200 ozin for the x and y axis and a 283 ozin for the z, but i tried moving the x and y with 283 ozin motors and it just didn't work. I probably could have geared the motors but my plan was to direct drive them for the simplicity of configuration.

Anyway, I am not a machinist and the project has been very challenging for me.... fun... but challenging. I finally think I have it half way licked, and I am again excited about the possibilities it should be capable of. Once i pass the hurdle of getting the machine working, I will again be in my comfort zone of drawing parts for it to cut.