Hello All,
I am new to all this and I am sure I will be asking a ton of questions and more than likely they will seem like stupid questions but I will first use the search function and see if I can get the answers I need. I am not new to the use of forums so I will eliminate those questions right off the top.
A little about myself;My name is Bill, and I am 46 years old. I am a Model Maker and Prototype Builder by trade and I have been at it a very long time. I can do machining, it's just that I am new to CNC. I bought a HF mini mill and lathe a while back and I have been converting them to CNC. I have made all the parts and am now doing the final assembly on the mini mill. The CNC kit I have built is the Ron Steele kit and the manual was purchased from LMS. My hobbys are just building things and yes, this is one of them.
Here are the specs on my mini mill;Harbor Freight 44991 Central Machinery Mini Mill/Drill
HobbyCNC 4 Axis HCNCPRO Driver Board Kit
Keling Technology Inc. KL23H286-20-8B 425 oz. Steppers (
Mach3 Version R2.0.065 (Demo Version) ... (until I figure this out, then I will purchase)
Well I guess I am off to use the search function and see if I can find the answers to my questions, if not, I will see you on the boards!
Thank You for a place to come to!