CAD RULE in manual
3.19 Do not draw a profile with an element going or turning in a downward / backwards direction towards the face of the profile. The profile can proceed downwards but must be at least perpendicular to the center line of the object. ( As LazyTurn develops the statement may longer hold true but applies for now.)
also, practicaly speaking,
For actual machining you would need a tool tip radius small enough to follow the profile ( get into the sharp corners). Sharp corners are not good design in that they "introduce stress intensification factors" which downgrade the allowable forces and also affect cyclic design. Not to be smart but added the comment for interest purposes. If you want those sharp corners then you will need a very pointed ( or even custom ) tool to follow the profile and use that tool for the finish pass ( which Art is working on ).
Common sense will be required by the user when they create / use a tool with an appropriate defined depth cut, spindle speed, etc. as it applies to what they want to machine.
but when English is not your own language it is difficult enough.