>>So basicaly your saying your cutting on the back side of the tool and that dosen't work to well.
No, not really. Lets say you have a diamond bit angled 15degrees to the left. A finish pass will cut with the tip along the trajectory from right to left and will move out so the rear flank doesnt hit
the profile. You must be using very small tool diamters to get those finish passes. General rule shoudl be that if you use the "tool placement" button and click anywhere on the red line, the tool shoudl not clip the profile.
The .01 will be less accurate than .0001 for example, but what to use depends on length and system speed. Some will find they get 1000 checks per 10 seconds or so, so a 1" toolpath at .0001 will take 10 seconds, a 10" object woudl take 100 seconds.. so the tolerance setting really shoudl depend on the accuracy needed and the length of the piece. We'll fudge aroudn a bit to discover the best setting.
You will be able to foll it Im sure, I know I can, but for general profiles it shoudl work pretty well. When you fina bad finish pass, ( or roughing) try takign a picture with the bit set to the problem area so I can see the tool error in the profile, it may giev me a hint as to why its happening. On the corner you describe for example, I suspect youd find the tool fits all allong that profile, though
it will cut on thew rear flank.. which is why the profile will be clipped at start and end to make sure it doesnt collide badly. Still much to do but its looking liek a good start anyway.