Talked to Graham a little about a work around.
A G52 could be used to shift the part zero within the current work ofset by some amount.
The G52 requires an active work offset. If home is set / it's at x & z =0 ( you have the offset in place as the
user defines the part location from home via an offset).
So you use a G52 before the two G0 moves and then cancel the G52 after the moves. Thus if the tool table is
based on the cutting tip, the tool would actualy end up being aligned as if it was based on centers post the machine
move from home..
So a few rules on use of the G52:
- The tool offsets in the tool table are based on the tool tip cutting point.
- There is a work offset from home ( home used here as the tool tip cutting point to part x & Z =0)
LazyTurn Rules:
1. If the same tool radius is used for all passes then only need to implement the G52 one time
and home posting is only required once.
2.A G52 is always required on the first pass, and a G52 is always required if the tool radius changes
from the previuos one.
G52 X-.010 ( provides for adding the radius to the actuall length traveled in the G0x....move)
G0 Z .......
G0 X........
G52 X0.0 ( cancels the G52 and returns to work offset) difference from here as the code is still precompensted including the clearance.
I think i got it right.........
I guess there would need to be another posting option / options.
Will ceratinly be confusing to a novice user.