Hi Guys:
Turns out a small typo was killing the 3balls dxf, my fault..not dxf itself.
Here is an update ..this also has a small diagnostic that shows all the entities in the load.. it will be removed after we see whats up.
The flanges were drawn in negative Y..illegal under LTurn, all Y's must be 0 or greater. Once I fixed the load, the 3balls works fine.
Few notes..
In the options menu item is a startZ offset, this is how far the tool starts from end of the object.. Its defaulted to 8mm for metric so youd want to be .3 or so I think..
Clearance is how far away to stay fromthe object, so for standard gys.. probably about .01, for metric about .1mm. PerPass depth is up to you.

Send more files that fail as you find them, I do intend to do a draw function so you can draw your own in the end. The flanges are a bad test as they were negative so shouldnt have loaded anyway..they now warn fo failure due to negative Y's. Im hopefull we can fix up any load errors as we go and Ill make LTurn fix them on the fly when it can, negative Y's cannot be fixed automatically as arcs' reverse in that case and I cannot "suppose" that arcs may be reversed
at the same time as the Y's "may" be shifted. (there may be other failures due to Y negatives that dont fall into that category.
Thx for the testing, let me know how it goes..