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Author Topic: LazyTurn  (Read 2044485 times)

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Offline RICH

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #210 on: November 09, 2008, 05:56:51 PM »
The three balls file is complete but for whatever reason LazyTurn will not   fully   load it for me either and that's why i posted it.
I have found a number of DXF's where that is the case. Provided it as a clue, Art may be able to see if it's the importer or is it a CAD issue. 
Take note of my last post. I create DXF's out of two versions of Autocad and three versions of Microstation for a total of 9-12 dXF's of the same profile drawing sometimes. Trust me that they are they do not necessarily export the same sometimes. But for now strictly trying to DXf  out to a ver 12 as that worked in LazyCam.   Your not alone on the TODO but don't even remember what i did. You may try rebooting the PC.
BTW only use the "button tool" for now, i think Art said that back a few posts.

Will post a version of Chips file, which i shrunk and rotated which worked fine, thus you can play with it or try his other files.

Offline Chip

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #211 on: November 09, 2008, 07:16:32 PM »
Hi, Art, Rich

Got the 3 ball to load after load/save in Rino dxf, Then reversing the left end line and extending it helped Rough path on the left ball.

DXF formats differ So much, It's really sad,. Hears the dxf and 2 pic's, Still some Open GL stack overflows, But no major crashes. Is there a way to halt/stop or abort path generation when I Enter a to small Depth Per Pass Value. ?

Thanks, Chip

Offline RICH

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #212 on: November 09, 2008, 08:59:06 PM »
Thanks Chip,
A fast computer really comes in handy when going back and forth on the path generation.
I always start out with something  like a .1 depth just see if it works.    BTW 0..1 doesn't work to well. ;D

Will shrink the file down and see if there are any effects. Also curious on what the dxf exchange will be like.

I'll need to check out some of the other files that were failing. It's cutting them off right at a joint, and think that
how the lines were joined / trimmed reverses the direction  and the importer thinks there is no more profile.
How is that for a wild ask guess! Drawing sequence of the path cannot be allowed to influence the import.
Can you image the problems users would have!
You must admit though, that if this comes to pass, this will be one neat program.

Offline ART

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #213 on: November 09, 2008, 10:10:19 PM »
Hi Guys:

  Turns out a small typo was killing the 3balls dxf, my fault..not dxf itself.

Here is an update ..this also has a small diagnostic that shows all the entities in the load.. it will be removed after we see whats up.

The flanges were drawn in negative Y..illegal under LTurn, all Y's must be 0 or greater. Once I fixed the load, the 3balls works fine.

Few notes..

In the options menu item is a startZ offset, this is how far the tool starts from end of the object.. Its defaulted to 8mm for metric so youd want to be .3 or so I think..

Clearance is how far away to stay fromthe object, so for standard gys.. probably about .01, for metric about .1mm. PerPass depth is up to you. :)

  Send more files that fail as you find them, I do intend to do a draw function so you can draw your own in the end. The flanges are a bad test as they were negative so shouldnt have loaded anyway..they now warn fo failure due to negative Y's. Im hopefull we can fix up any load errors as we go and Ill make LTurn fix them on the fly when it can, negative Y's cannot be fixed automatically as arcs' reverse in that case and I cannot "suppose" that arcs may be reversed
at the same time as the Y's "may" be shifted. (there may be other failures due to Y negatives that dont fall into that category.

Thx for the testing, let me know how it goes..




Offline ART

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #214 on: November 09, 2008, 10:12:24 PM »
>>BTW only use the "button tool" for now, i think Art said that back a few posts.

One other note , Rich.. You may use any tool, but the graphic that shows the amount left to cut will be wrong, the toolpath however will be correct on any tool.
I need to fix the graphics for "amount cut" before I can do a proper finish-rough routine is all.


Offline RICH

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #215 on: November 09, 2008, 10:38:21 PM »
Thanks Art,
Now that's the way I like it. Quickly opened up bunch of  those files that didn't work before.  :)
Now i quess it's time to play "stump the importer"! ;)

Offline ART

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #216 on: November 09, 2008, 11:13:31 PM »

  This version also has an "Auto-Connection Tolerance" code added. In theory it should load DXF's with less trouble than before.


Offline Chip

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #217 on: November 10, 2008, 12:52:59 AM »
Hi, Art

How will Inside cuts be handled.

Thanks, Chip

Offline Chip

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Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #218 on: November 10, 2008, 03:13:14 AM »
Hi, Rich, Art & All

The LIGHT went Bright, I was so busy Snapping shapes on a Grid and Posting, I didn't pay attention to the Grid Scale Setting's.

Haven't gone back to check, So if there Huge, Sorry for the HUGE Drawings.!!!

I'm Plenty Excited About LazyTurn & LazyCam for Sure.

Thanks, Chip
« Last Edit: November 10, 2008, 03:30:14 AM by Chip »
Re: LazyTurn
« Reply #219 on: November 10, 2008, 03:58:54 AM »
Hi Rich/Art

Found out that the TODO error comes with settings in the tool but what cause it ?????????
I think it is going to be a great program what will be exactly what i need thanks Art.
