Yes, I do hope to do that, BUT primarily Im interested in the generation of toolpaths. There
are a few CAM packages out there to draw profiles and create paths, their high cost is due to the complexity
of doing all that, and the required support. If I can do a program that easily imports DX and generates toolpaths,
I may decide that thats enough. It was never my intent to compete with true CAM, its not a place I belong, but
I do have the requirement of a DXF -> Toolpath program, so thats my initial thrust. Its coming along, and the tool
definition is almoist done, then I need to do the actual path creations. At that point Ill look at future considerations,
but there no real guarentee Ill get there.. drawing profiles adds allot of complexity to an importation program,
so allot depends on how the toolpathing works..