Thx Rich,
All good points, I'll see what I can do.
Seems to be doing much better, it can be fooled but its getting harder to do so.
In the end Id like to allow for drawing of the tool bit, migth make for interesting profiles, since the
design in really a object->object collision detector, any shape woudl work in theory, not just the ones
I allow you at the moment. I'll give it some thought.
Note for who asked: I cant put the files into a common place as yet, it woudl be too open, Im keeping the testing
only to those with enough interest to check this thread until its somethign I feel is to a usefull stage. Then I'll
ask Brian to web post it for further downloads.
Thanks for the testing on this, it speeds it along, Im presently doing two projects and sharing time between the two as I can
so you'll see spurts in progress as I go..
