Hi Guys:
New version of LazyTurn.
This version still doesnt post secondary toolpaths, but it does order them and create them. If they seem OK, Ill add posting for them.
The ordering may appear strange at times, this is because some path segments require previous segments to run first as they remove material
on top of the next segment to cut. This ordering is somewhat complex to do. I still need to better optimise when a full pullout to start X is
required, at the moment it simply ALWAYS pulls back to start X to move to the start of the next group of cuts. It will , however, attempt to
minimize motion by doign as many path segements as it can in a group of segments. ( This is hard to explain but you'll see what I mean while
playing with it. Simulate, ( if you close rough path and highlight secondary paths ) will show the order that the cut will happen in.
I will continue to optimise the ordering and pullout sequences whiel you test this out. If it does work, even if it isnt fully optimised, Ill
add posting of the finish/rough passes so all that will be left ios optimising motion, and finally.. the finish pass.
This version respects the offset from stockproperly, so the theory is you gouge out as much a spossibel with the initial cut with a hefty
stock offset, ( thyis will remove the max material with minimal motion ), then you reduce the stock offset and perhaps the depth per pass,
and do as many fin/rgh passes as you like. When no more material can be removed with a fin/rgh pass with a set tool, then the finsh pass
will be allowed and the cut button will do the finish pass. ( Not yet implemented for finish pass mind you.. ).
We're gettign close to the finish pass, just not quite there yet, but the fin/rgh passes appear to be doign as they should, once I stop
the full pullout they will be pretty efficicent at minimizing motion while removing the material as efficiently as they can.