Hi Guys:
The column.dxf also has those annoying lights in it. When removed, it loads fine. Im not sure how to sense those automatically, they are stored as lines and arcs, so the program see's them as normal entities. Ill study up on it. Ill try to release latest version today, Im off tomorrow for a weeks snowmobiling trip , and Ill give thought as to how to solve that one , if its solvable. I think your all seeing just how big a problem DXF's tend to be, there are many flavours, and many cad programs stick in all kinds of weird entities and such. LazyTurn will ignore many of them, but when they are simply lines and arcs added in to the rest it makes it very hard to tell what IS and what Isnt a real object. What I may do is just ignore the softest chains, delete them, and keep the longest chain, that should solve many of these kinds of errors. It cheating, but it sounds liek a way to get around all the bad dxf's..
I still need a fix from leadtools for grahams example, you can see the lines are reported with no Y component for some reason.. We'll see what they come up with. Thay take abnout a month to fix most bug reports.