From the "OTHER" forum.....Breaking news.
Way to go ART !
Hi Guys:
There is an experimental version of LazyTurn to be put on the downloads site
shortly, it is primarily a test of LazyTurns DXF importing and rough profileing
code. It will post Gcode of a created rough toolpath. There are no docs , but
its pretty intuitive, none are really needed. There is a thread on the web group
for any questions about how it works, and Id like to see any DXF's
that look good, or any that fail.
Dont install the LCam update unless your playing with Turning as Im unsure how
the updated dll's will afect lazycamuntill I get some reports. SO this is for
experimenters only who want rough profiles done. LazyTurn needs a couple more
things done before I can put out a finish pass, first the graphics of the
"material left over" is only accurate for a button tool at present, once I make
that accurate to all tools I can do a "finish-rough" stage to remove material
harmfull to a finish tool, and then ,finally, a finish pass.
Currently you can load a dxf, setup a tool library, and generate rough
profiles at any pass per depth, then post the file. Seems to run well in Mach3.
Any experiences welcome.. just enter the web based forums lazyturn thread.
Update should be posted on the web soon, its been sent to Brian.