Hi Art,
just completed a lot more testing.
Compared to Mach3 , M4 is very rough on long moves.
If i jog off a zero position , then do a return to zero ,it moans and groans, and splutters occasionally.
Despite this it does not seem to run off position , as far as a i can tell.
Spent a lot of time changing the motor settings, ( velocity and acceleration) the settings I have are the smoothest and seem to match the Mach3 setting which is realy smooth.
Enclosed are the settings of the two systems, not sure what to make of them.
Have set mach3 up with a digital vernier and getting accurate repeatable smooth moves.
Also tried changing the signal delay. Interestingly m4 seems to need less delay, and does not run as well with 5 ms
Can anyone else on the web share their results of a m3 M4 compare?