>>in your last message you said " In Darwins config, tell it the Limit Switches should cause an Estop"
>>Can you elaborate in how to do this.
In Darwin's config, where you set the input signals up, you can check or uncheck "E Stop Trip" on any signal.
In the case of a limit switch, set it to "EStop Trip" , this is a signal that tells Darwin that if such a signal is tripped
and your trying to reset, it will turn off the E-Stop on that signal till you drive off it, and will ignore it during homing.
>>However , in mach4 If I use the same settings , the system seems to be behaving total differently, the motor sound is much sharper.
and ever the steps setting has to be different.
It should sound smoother, as Darwin is a smoother motion device than the old printer port. Steps really should be the
same. Id try inverting the Step pulse, its possible your driver needs the pulses inverted, that happens fairly often.. and can
impact the step count and sound...