Hi Alistair
>>Tested tonight with Darwin 1.10 and was able to get the motors moving Smiley The movement appears to be good on a test run of road runner with the pulse width stretched to 3us.
Very good, thank you.
>>As someone else reported the charge pump doesn't activate when you first click enable in Mach4. It then activates when you click disable.
M4 bug, being fixed by Steve, IO isnt inited until after an enable disable toggle..
>>Charge pump frequency measured on an oscilloscope is half the value that is set.
Probably my fault, I think its toggling at the set frequency which does make it 1/2 the right rate. Differently from
M3 the charge pump I think is a wide pulse, Ill check and correct.. thc for that test and report..
>>I cannot jog from within Darwin configure. Charge pump was toggled on when testing.
On the ports screen there is a RESET button, press it if the led above it is red, otherwise no motion can be done.
>>Changing the setting for pulse width doesn't take affect until you restart Mach4.
True, part of driver design. Ill have a message put out in near future to tell a user that fact.. agains, thx, I missed that one.
>>Frequently when exiting Darwin configure Mach4 stops responding and the Mach4GUI task cannot be ended via task manager. Only option is shut down and restart.
Ive heard of this one, but I only use wxMach so far, this appears to be a Gui error of some sort..will iron out in future.
>>I will do some more testing when I get some spare time. For now thanks go to Art for Darwin and to Brian and the team for the effort and time that has gone into Mach4.
Thx for the testing, I know its a drudge bvut it does help get things right.