For anyone testing and finding their motor mappings and settings gone... Ive noticed if you reboot
all your settings come back..
Not here they didn't. Enabling them gave me a crash.
When I went to run the DarwinTest, I noticed that the entire Darwin2014-1-11 folder that I had extracted into mach4Hobby was gone.
Extracted a new copy, ran DarwinTest, and got:
Another instance of Darwin is already running, followed by a crash of DarwinTest, while Mach4gui continued to chug along in the background, impervious to everything but a hard reboot.

Is there any chance that Darwin is messing with my DVD drive? It was working fine the other day, but when I just went to use it, it's not there. Device manager says Windows can't find it.
Removing it and rebooting, had Windows find and install it, and then proceed to tell me that it can't find it.
Time to finally move away from XP. Just need to save another $1500 for my next 7 year PC.