Hi Art,
Just been doing some more testing, and seem to be stuck again.
Thought the problem may be a Mach4 problems posted some info on new thread "Version 2803 Problems" , they suggested it could be a Darwin problem.
My set up is still with only 1 motor on the x axis.
I have two issues ,
1) when a e-stop is activated, if mach 4 is in enabled mode, you cannot get back to enabled, even though the log says e-stop cleared.
The system seems locked , until restarted.
also noticed that I have to press enable twice for the very first time, before the motors are engaged. Could this be related.
after this you can disable / enabale and they switch ok.
2) when I reference home, the dro zeroes , without searching for the home switch, as if it thinks its already at the home location.
when I press home switch they work the x home, x-- limit and x++ limit, the same as mach3 which works, these light up in the debug screen correctly.
I only have one switch connected to both x-- and x++ limits.
have not set any soft limits in darwin or mach4
Let me have any sugestions.