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Author Topic: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions  (Read 1324058 times)

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1000 on: May 02, 2016, 09:39:05 PM »
So the jog indicator goes green, but the DRO's and the motor wont go? Nothing in the log history?


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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1001 on: May 02, 2016, 09:46:43 PM »

  Ive looked in the code, I cant see anything that would stop your motors from running. Seems to me if the driver shows a velocity when you jog,
it should be running...


Offline ART

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1002 on: May 03, 2016, 07:49:03 AM »
Another thought now that Ive slept on it..

 Have you tried turning off any charge pump? Or , if you use one, have you set a charge pump frequency?


Offline kvom

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1003 on: May 03, 2016, 07:53:34 AM »
I have  not set a frequency AFAIK.  What value(s) should I set?

Offline ART

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1004 on: May 03, 2016, 08:02:27 AM »
For most charge pumps, youd need 12500 entered in the box ..

that gives a 12.5Khz pulse,you should see it turn yellow on its darwin led indicator when its putting out..


Offline kvom

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1005 on: May 03, 2016, 09:14:01 AM »
The other aspect I find puzzling is that the M4 motor tuning tab is not allowing entry of tuning parameters.  That tells me that M4 is not seeing the motors as properly configured from the driver.  It would be useful to know what interface aspect causes the motor tuning to be enabled.  I will try the charge pump frequency later this morning.

Offline ART

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1006 on: May 03, 2016, 09:42:22 AM »

 As darwin starts up it registers 4 motors, (if in darwin, you have checked Enabled). After that its all kinda automatic, M4 should
allow you to configure them. This is the latest version I assume of M4?


Offline kvom

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1007 on: May 03, 2016, 10:09:17 AM »
I discovered that in addition to the check marks, I have to click on the motor as well to expose the tuning, so that's not the issue. 

Setting frequency in the charge pump pin configs did nothing, and the frequency indicators there stayed red.

Offline dude1

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1008 on: May 03, 2016, 09:21:55 PM »
can you post your profile .ini

Offline ART

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #1009 on: May 03, 2016, 09:27:15 PM »
OK, so then you can set the tuning for the motor to appropriate settings.

  You have to enable the signal, turn it on before it starts to put out charge pump frequencies. Did you turn it on? Better
yet, can you simply turn on Charge pump on your baord till is all working, best to remove the barriers and then reinstate
them. If Chargepump WAS the problem, your DRO's should still count even if the motors dont move.

 Something pretty basic must be off for the DRO's to not count. Mach4 is coming out of Estop right? Is it possible the EStop
is inverted in Darwin so its going into Estop when MAch4 comes out of it? If you turn on a debug log, does it show Mach4 trying to jog?
Does it show any error when it tries?
