Interesting...Ill have to take a look at the current code to see whats changed...
The J48-1 manual says wiring for CW is fine ( and seems to be here) but that you
get slightly less power than you do at 95% as the gas recovery rate is less. I dont think
its pulsing it when CW'ing.. the latest manual shows a pretty good explanation of the
method used , the waveforms seem convincing. Also, with a 10 wattt I doubt the
density gets high enough to hurt the mirrors or the lenses , though with 100 watt Id probably
worry about it. I did wonder about how they cool without water sufficiently, but then aluminum is a very
good conductor.
I saw a photo of a J48-2 laser the other day mounted vertical, so failure in isuch a situation must be statistical,
your fine or your not..or your fine till your not.

Very interesting world to play in..