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Author Topic: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions  (Read 1289660 times)

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #650 on: December 20, 2014, 10:54:29 AM »
Thanks Art,
I guess that's not my problem.
I can get to run in 2D but when I try 3D it is very Jerky. I am working on a newer pc has  I type this
Thanks again.

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #651 on: December 22, 2014, 06:46:10 PM »
Hello Art,
Will Darwin run with Windows 7 32 bit.
I try and could not get it to install

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #652 on: December 22, 2014, 09:08:41 PM »

  It should , but I have heard some had trouble doing so...

Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #653 on: December 24, 2014, 04:22:26 PM »
Need some help, I am very new to CNC and have built my system.  Using Win7, Mach4 w/para port driver.  I am unable to see the Darwin in the plugins and truthfully read and tried so much, I am not sure where to go from here.  I was able to get Mach4 licensed but I think the only way to license the port plugin is thru the plugins menu inside Mach4, but not sure that is even true.  I continuously get an error message about failed to load shared library mcdarwin.m4pw.  My guess is I am not understanding something, so any help would be great.  Thanks Tom

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #654 on: December 24, 2014, 09:25:44 PM »
Hi Tom:

  Well, I think the first thing to do is to igonre the license till you get Darwin running. It sound sliek perhaps its a
version mismatch. What version is your MAch4? ( check thehelp/about). To get darwin to run you typically just need to copy in two files to the plugins
folder. Darwin.m4pw and Darwin.sig , do both of these files exist in the plugins folder?

We'll go from there..


Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #655 on: December 26, 2014, 02:50:59 PM »
Good day Art,  I have looked at the version and for the Mach4 it is Build 2157, Version  It has taken my code so it is licensed now.  I had, and did again, copy the 2 files to the plugin folder and they still do not show up in the Mach4 plugin drop down.  I think I may have installed a couple of different versions of Darwin, so maybe I need to uninstall everything and try again.  Thanks for your help, I know it is the Holidays, so no hurry on a reply.  Tom

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #656 on: December 26, 2014, 03:33:52 PM »

  The only place it will show up in at first I think is in the "Select Motion Device" menu item.
Fromt here it will turn on the other menu item .. Does it apear in that menu?

Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #657 on: December 26, 2014, 03:43:04 PM »
Hi Art, the only thing in there is Simulation Device, which is checked.  Thanks

Offline ART

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Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #658 on: December 27, 2014, 12:11:58 AM »
Hi Tom:

 the only thing that shoudl be necessary is to have Darwin.m4pw and Darwin.sig in the Plugins Folder.
I cant think of anything else that would hide it. Make sure their the files from the Darwin2157 install or zip
folder in this thread. Also make sure drivertest.exe runs properly.

Re: Mach4 Printer Port Discussions
« Reply #659 on: December 28, 2014, 12:36:44 AM »
Thanks for your help Art, I have checked all you have suggested as well as what others have suggested and nothing seems to work.  I have to much time in this and will seek other programs to do this task.  Thanks again.  Tom