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Messages - ART

JetCam screen designer / Re: List of Jetcam requests :)
« on: February 14, 2007, 09:14:29 PM »
Hi Guys:

  I just wanted to jump in here. As most of you know , I rarely get here unless
pointed on a slow day. I have seen the  "Stan" editor grow over time, and I
wanted to duck in long enough to express my gratitude to Stan. Stan has a platinum
card with me, so anything he needs I will try to provide.
   The original screen editor is woefully inadequate for many things, since it was
written as an "Egg before the chicken" tool to create Mach3. I can see Stans
work allowing many more to create great screens, other than those who have
had the nerve to learn the old ones pecadillo's. Thanks to all who have contributed
to Stans questions and requests for suggestions. Its that spirit that allows for such things.

  Im working on future features that will help everyone, and work like Stans is what allows me
the time to do so. I suspect few really  know exactly how much work is involved in such a thing,
and a screen designer with the power that Stan is creating is he;lping to push the hobbiest into
new territory. 

 Keep up the great work, its more an art form than a program.

Art (no pun intended. :) )

Mach3 under Vista / Getting up and running in Vista
« on: February 04, 2007, 04:55:22 PM »
In order to run under Vista takes a couple of steps..

1) First, run the install as per normal.

2) Now you need to run the file enclosed as the attachment to this topic. Save it , unzip it to memoryoverride.reg , and just double click it, it modifies
the registry to allow MAch3's driver to run.

3) Now you need to go to the C:\Mach3 folder, (or wherever you installed Mach3) and right click drivertest.exe , select
"Run as Adminstrator.". It should tell you to reboot. Do so, or you will crash. No question about it..

4) Now you shoudl be able to run Mach3, try the drivertest.exe again, and it shoudl run.

   You may get errors reported when running DriverTest, in fact it may not run at all first time, then
Vista will ask you if you wish to run it in compatability mode. DO so, and it will run..

General Mach Discussion / Re: New CV features
« on: January 28, 2007, 10:32:02 PM »
Hi Guys:

   Just a note as I run by...

    Many will ask why Quantum slows down some 3d files to very slow.. Heres the reason..

 In trapezoidal accel, there is a finite time that acceleration takes to get to speed, with Jerk correction,
this time is increased. Though you can tune for faster accel, the accel as a % of total time of move is increased
by up to 200% or more. This doesnt affect longer moves. However, very small line segment 3d files will
never get to get up to speed before having to decelerate. All move, not matter how small must accel, then decel.
Quantum will attempt line concatenationnext to speed up those moves..

  Glad to har its working well for many of you, we worked very very very very hard :) on its implementation,
but remember, its alpha code...



 Very cool...


Show"N"Tell ( What you have made with your CNC machine.) / Re: radius
« on: January 18, 2007, 08:35:55 PM »
They ARE amazing arent they.

 Marcel, I recieved the new one you sent me a few days ago, sorry for the delay in responding.... Its excellent. and incredibly more amazing than the last. It will always sit on my "shelf of pride" , thanks so much,
I stare at those things as I ruminate on various code, they are a joy to see and an inspiration, I do so love the work of a craftsman.. (My friends are always amazed at them great conversation pieces..:)  )


NC Pod / Re: Missing steps in jog follow mode
« on: January 17, 2007, 11:04:32 PM »
Thank you for the tests. :)


NC Pod / Re: Missing steps in jog follow mode
« on: January 17, 2007, 10:30:37 PM »

 Just checked FRO here and all seems well. I dont seem to ahve a problem with Jog Follow either, but rotating the display is nasty.. It was always a rule in MAch2 that you not rotate while cutting.. Ill probably lock it out again very shortly.. As to Jog Follow, it may just be that a user will have to know not to do it if his video card cant keep up on that particular file..


NC Pod / Re: Missing steps in jog follow mode
« on: January 17, 2007, 10:13:42 PM »

  The toolpath, normally locked form rotating, isnt locked in external device mode. Though I will probably relock it soon for the pod. If you rotate the screen, it will eat all cPU time and the pod will lose. Jog Follow , may , or may not affect a user depending on the speed of their graphics..

  Ill test FRO again, was working last I checked..


Hi All:

 A new ncPod plugin is now online in th eplugins folder, it now has a version number, this one is  2.00.037

This plugin has Slaving as well as Softlimits while jogging..



 A new version of the plugin is online as of taday. It takes into accoutn slaving of the axis, (untested so be cautious..) .

All users are advised to use the servo cycle time of .00086 or .00177 , these two modes shoudl always be within 1 step of commanded position..
