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Messages - Davek0974

I was right about the acceleration then ;)

Interesting about the StopCv angles though, explains a lot.

General Mach Discussion / Re: G49 on Mach3 Mill
« on: February 05, 2018, 06:12:19 AM »
Well, if that does indeed work (i'll test it this afternoon) it will solve the issue 99%

Its VBA which is the same as VB6 uses so it all makes sense to me, Excel uses VBA thats why it needs to installed but any VB app installer will load the VB runtime which holds the key to VBA.

Very nice.

BTW, I only gave it 99% as each time you load the file it will append more () so third time round it will look like (((G43..........))) etc
That could be fixed though if it runs.


Not so i think, It is trying to do constant velocity - if the machine settings say it can only accelerate slowly then in order to maintain constant velocity something MUST give, what gives is accuracy in path following.

This is extremely evident on plasma cutting where CV is critical - i had all sorts of rounding errors until i tweaked acceleration UP to the hilt.

IMV, acceleration is king of the hill when in CV, in exact stop all it will do is save some time.

General Mach Discussion / Re: G49 on Mach3 Mill
« on: February 04, 2018, 10:20:18 AM »
Ok, sorted.

Simple little VB6 app created that i can run on the mill, it will read the files from the USB stick, comment out and G43/G44 lines and output the files to the hard drive ready to run.


General Mach Discussion / Re: G49 on Mach3 Mill
« on: February 04, 2018, 03:54:49 AM »
Does seem pretty common, here's a link to some Fanuc shortcodes...

It lists an axis move on all compensation moves.

General Mach Discussion / Re: G49 on Mach3 Mill
« on: February 04, 2018, 03:31:46 AM »
LOL, thats like saying "try creating a macro called M60 ...." :) :)

I'll try find it again but then i tend to read so much it might even have been in a manual for Fadal, Haas, who knows :)

It cant just be a spoof memory though as both the posts I use mainly have the Z move in the G43 line followed by another Z move.

I might try sheet-cam later on, i only use that on the plasma so no tools anyway but it has a Mach post IIRC.

General Mach Discussion / Re: G49 on Mach3 Mill
« on: February 04, 2018, 03:02:00 AM »
Yes, i might write a little import app to filter it out.

I am sure i read somewhere that Mach ignored the G43 line unless there was an axis move in the same block.

General Mach Discussion / Re: G49 on Mach3 Mill
« on: February 03, 2018, 04:15:32 PM »
It was the original post that comes with F360, no idea of author ;)

Looks like this...
Code: [Select]
(T3  D=6. CR=0. TAPER=90DEG - ZMIN=-2. - CENTER DRILL)
(T6  D=12. CR=0. - ZMIN=-2.5 - FLAT END MILL)
(T8  D=8.1 CR=0. TAPER=118DEG - ZMIN=-10. - DRILL)
(T10  D=6.1 CR=0. TAPER=118DEG - ZMIN=-10. - DRILL)
(T15  D=10. CR=0. TAPER=45DEG - ZMIN=-2. - CHAMFER MILL)
(T98  D=6. CR=0. - ZMIN=-10. - RIGHT HAND TAP)
N10 G90 G94 G91.1 G40 G49 G17
N15 G21
N20 G53 G0 Z0.
N25 G90

N30 M5
N35 M9
N40 T3 M6
N45 S3000 M3
N50 G54
N55 M7
N65 G0 X6.259 Y43.837
N70 G43 Z25. H0
N80 Z5.
N85 G98 G81 X6.259 Y43.837 Z-2. R5. F535.

It's always followed by another Z call so the one on the G43 line is always not needed and it runs fine if i just delete those lines.

I could build a small VB6 app that scans and deletes or maybe one that copies all the g-code from my transport USB stick to the hard drive and  at the same time filters them, wouldn't be hard.

Wouldn't know how to build the code into the "File Open" function though :)

And this is the Vectric Aspire Post....
Code: [Select]
(Toolpaths used in this file:)
(Profile 1)
(Tools used in this file: )
(1 = T1 - 2mm Carbide YG)
N110 G00 G21 G17 G90 G40 G49 G80
N120 G71 G91.1
N130 T1 M06
N140 (T1 - 2mm Carbide YG)
N150 G00 G43 Z23.000 H1
N160 G00 Z23.000
N170 S23200 M03
N180 M07
N190 (Toolpath:- Slots)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Long encoder cables can you help
« on: February 03, 2018, 01:31:15 PM »
Hmm, this is possibly useful..

Also i would not connect the PC ground to ANYTHING outside the PC case, especially machine ground. PC's are usually slightly isolated in the PSU from ground and altering that can cause issues.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Long encoder cables can you help
« on: February 03, 2018, 11:44:57 AM »
Are these differential encoders - they will have A+/A- & B+/B- outputs?

If so they should be totally isolated anyway AFIK

There are distance limits on wire length but i'm unsure what it is.

The cables MUST be twisted-pair and must be connected so that A+/A- is one twisted pair etc NOT A+/B- etc