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Messages - Davek0974

General Mach Discussion / Re: Scripter Compile Error bites again :(
« on: March 14, 2018, 07:57:13 AM »

Ah well, there is always UCCNC and so on.

Not if you invested in a CS-LABS controller ;)

As Craig says, the relay is likely welding shut.

Always best to use "buffer relays" between the bob and any output - just add a 24v etc relays driven by the BOB which can then have nice heavy contacts for external loads.

It is far easier to replace an external relay if it fails than the one on the BOB, plus if the BOB relay arcs-over for any reason you will get 240v inside the BOB/PC and the magic smoke will come out.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Scripter Compile Error bites again :(
« on: March 14, 2018, 04:56:29 AM »

The FeedRate macro had been corrupted somehow by Mach3. There should have been a Linux-style LineFeed between the two instructions, but Windows is not real good with that Linux feature: it prefers <CR><LF>. Trying to edit a macro using NotePad can be tricky: you need to use the embedded VB Script Editor to get the right line format.


Yes, always use the editor, Notepad does make a mess of it, as does TextEdit on a Mac (worse in fact)

Bargain Basement / Re: R8 Tooling - Lots of it
« on: March 14, 2018, 03:26:07 AM »
I had forgotten all about this ad


Try that, a fair bit of it has sold now though.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Scripter Compile Error bites again :(
« on: March 14, 2018, 03:22:28 AM »
Here is the M84 code.....

Code: [Select]
Parg = Param1()
Qarg = Param2()
Rarg = Param3()
Speed = GetRPM()
Zpos = GetOEMDro(180)

If Parg = 0 Then
Message"M84 ERROR  P = 0"
End If

If Rarg = 0 Then
Message"M84 ERROR  R = 0"
End If

If Speed = 0 Then
Message"M84 ERROR  S = 0"
End If

If Zpos < Qarg Then
Message"M84 ERROR  Zstart < Q !!!"
End If

If Zpos = Qarg Then
Message"M84 ERROR  Zstart = Q !!!"
End If

Qarg = Qarg - Zpos

Qarg = Abs(Qarg)

If Qarg < 0.001 Then
Message"M84 Canceled"
End If

Message"M84  START"
' set parameters in user dro
SetUserDRO(1511, Qarg) ' depth
SetUserDRO(1512, Parg) ' pitch
SetUserDRO(1513, Speed) ' rpm ffd
SetUserDRO(1514, Rarg) ' rpm rev

' start rigid tapping cycle

' wait for csmio-ip end of rigid tapping cycle
SetUserDRO(1510, 0)
While(GetUserDRO(1510) = 0)
Message"M84 DONE"                         

And here is what the input code looks like...

Code: [Select]
(M5 TAP)
N3036 M5
N3038 M9
N3040 M1
N3042 T6 M6
N3044 G54
N3046 M7
N3050 G0 X-9.5 Y-7.9
N3052 G43 Z34.612 H0
N3056 Z24.612
N3058 Z23.612
N3060 M84 Q11.262 P0.8 S350 R350
N3062 Z23.612
N3066 Z34.612

Would there ever be a Mach5?

While converting macros to .mcc versions, I did find one bug - the macro Feedrate.m1s would not compile, syntax error, it contained this line of code....

Feed = commanded feed()  Setfeedrate ( feed )

I split it onto two lines and it saved ok, no idea what it does or even if it ever gets used but would not compile in its original form.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Scripter Compile Error bites again :(
« on: March 13, 2018, 05:05:06 PM »
I don't mind messing with post coding but, and thats a big but, i probably will not do it as this is a random issue - if the code was wrong it would fail, every time. This issue seems to have a bit of luck attached to it - most of the time it will work, then fail, i've had it mostly fail in the middle of the day i.e. not right on start-up so it will have done many starts and stops but then just decide to fail, most of the time in the middle of a code file.

All the apps i post code with have the same format so i can't see how it can be that.

My CS-LABS controller has a custom code M84 instead of G84 - pretty certain the rigid tapping is done directly in the controller not Mach.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Tool Table issues
« on: March 13, 2018, 02:25:50 PM »
Code added - seems to fix the issue :)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Scripter Compile Error bites again :(
« on: March 13, 2018, 02:25:18 PM »
I have saved all my macro's as .mcc files and deleted all the .m1s copies.

Will see if that makes any difference.

BTW do not do this to macropump.m1s - it stops it running ;)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Scripter Compile Error bites again :(
« on: March 13, 2018, 08:47:07 AM »
Interesting, more food for thought.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Scripter Compile Error bites again :(
« on: March 13, 2018, 07:50:53 AM »
Interesting, its the same format in my Vectric code too.