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Messages - Davek0974

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 14, 2016, 11:58:31 AM »
Thanks for all this,

I did try that brain and it did not work, I will take it out tonight and try it again as it should really work.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:36:59 AM »
OH NO DOn't talk system programming to a Gcode machine. It will never be the same again . I think you have done a fine job working with it.

(;-) TP

He he LOL :)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 14, 2016, 10:36:20 AM »
OK I went back and checked teh 804 LED and it is working as it should work. On loading it flashes for about .5 sec and then goes back off . Then it ONLY comes on when you press cycle start(run).

I also checked it in a brain and it works ok there as well.

(;-) TP

Thats odd, what comparison are you doing in the brain. if any???

Have you got a relay on the break-out board - this is the control for torch firing.

When you press the Torch button on the Mach3 screen you should hear this relay click on and off with the button, if not then that is the area to look in.

Ports and pins set up would be the next area but is specific to the breakout board used.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 14, 2016, 01:26:50 AM »
I had to make a phone call to verify but in all the years I have had the DryRun feature here with plasma no one has every hit that button with a program cutting(;-)  IF you find one that does just smack him hard with the Dummy stick a time or too and it will not be a problem again .

Just a thought(;-) TP

LOL :)

Don't forget - Bells-and-whistles :) It's all sort of working now. Applying my database software programming rules to this process tells me that when code is running the ONLY buttons that should be live are STOP and HOLD (I think) all others should be disabled, thats how i tend to go.

BTW If Cycle-Start LED is 804 then that is the one that does NOT work - mach seems to "run" the code as it loads so the value of that led is 1 while loading and running. I need something that is 1 while loading and 0 while running or vice-versa.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 13, 2016, 04:45:46 PM »
LOL :)

Yes I figured that but as Mach seems to use the RUN function when loading, presumably to parse the code, there doesn't seem to be much left really, Brains don't seem to have any knowledge of code being loaded which is fair enough,.

I messed around a bit tonight but I can't find a way round this so will likely chalk it up to "can't really be done" and move on, sounds a bit defeatist, but 'net trawling, messing about and your very helpful input have come up blank so maybe it just cant be done??

Maybe, Just maybe, a custom "Load Code" button which sets a #var before starting to load and releases it after might the way??

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 13, 2016, 01:49:05 PM »

Yes I can see the need to create a logic condition, BUT if you create a simple brain that monitors the 804 RUN LED you (should) see the brain trigger while loading code even thought screen LED is off.


On my laptop test setup, the RUN LED does indeed come on during code load - thats why it triggers then!!

Now, how do we sort the problem out :)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 13, 2016, 01:01:50 PM »
Hi again, brilliant, will try that.

I have just come in from another play and arrived at the destination by turning the LED off in the M05 macro - same result but different way around it, this also cancels the dry-run LED when you press STOP. Seems I have two options here now - great stuff :)

I also discovered I needed to add this - Code "F3000" before the Code "M98 P549" as unless you have already run some code, there is no feed-rate set and the dry-run runs at about 1mm/min :) adding the F3000 works perfectly.

SO, I was on a roll after that success, I thought I'd add a safety feature and stop the Dry-Run button doing anything at all if the RUN LED is on - pressing dry run while code is paused makes it a bit messy ;)

Easy-peasy I thought, just do this...

If GetLed(804)=0 then
   If getuserled(2244) Then
      Code "M30"
      Code "M98 P549"
   End If  
End If

Of course that didn't work :( then I got too cold and came in :)

ALSO regarding the Brain Logic Failure issue..

It's NOT a logic failure, I did a brain-view and loaded some code and you can see that when loading code, Mach3 sets the RUN led to ON even though the LED does not illuminate !!!

That is why the probe is allowed to trigger all the time!

Now I need to fine a way to fix it :)

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 13, 2016, 05:23:34 AM »
Dry-Run button script...

I have a screen button and a LED (2244) next to it, I would like to get the button to toggle the LED, when the LED is green it jumps to the subroutine, you press RUN and it runs the subroutine, then turns the LED off and rewinds. If you press the button again when it is on it should turn the led off and rewind.

If getuserled(2244) Then
        Code "M30"
   Code "M98 P549"
End If 

Above works but does not extinguish the LED after.
If getuserled(2244) Then
        Code "M30"
   Code "M98 P549"
End If

Above does not light the LED but does jump to the sub.

I know this is all bells-and-whistles stuff but why dumb-down a brilliant product like Mach3 by not making every addition as smart as possible?

Can this be done?

General Mach Discussion / Re: Probably simple but...(G-Code help)
« on: January 13, 2016, 04:52:04 AM »

If you have a sheet cam job where you have duplicated and nested the parts, you get multiple o549 entries, I gather this will fail when loaded into Mach3??

Obviously on a nested job like this you would not really want to do a dry run, BUT will Mach load the file with repeated subroutine headers with the same name??

Seems like there really is no easy option when it comes to dry-runs?

Reply edit time-out is too short!

Not only does Mach accept the multiple sub headers but when you call it, it only runs the last block - pretty smart. :)