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Messages - Ron Ginger

Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Re: Circular pocket problems
« on: August 29, 2009, 11:37:20 AM »
The wizard applies no intelligence to your choice of stepover, so I guess the only solution is to use values that work to your satisfaction.

Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Re: Circular pocket problems
« on: August 28, 2009, 06:04:15 PM »
Yes, later versions did fix some circular pocket problems.

Note there is a Change.log file in the folder with the wizards .set file that I try to keep up on any changes I make.

In screen 3 you could write the code in the screen designer. But then when you were running the screen if you wanted to edit code you had to exit the screen, open screen3, make your change then go back and re-start MAch.

Adding the edit button script option under the operator menu was a BIG improvement.

Not possible. Each instance of a button is a one time, run and delete.

Ive spent several hours leaning on Brian to fix that. He is sympathetic to the issue, but he seems to find other things to keep him busy. Maybe someday he will get to this.

VB and the development of wizards / Re: Repetitive Wizzard
« on: July 18, 2009, 09:58:01 PM »
Its already in the free Mach wizard set- its called Nesting, by Oliver Adler. It installs with every Mach system.

Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Re: THread milling
« on: July 18, 2009, 09:53:42 PM »
I wrote a simple one a while ago- I had to thread a 3" NPT into a throttle valve for a locomotive boiler I helped build. I actually cut 3 threads, on the throttle, a flange and a ball-socket coupling. They all worked, the boiler passed inspection and got stamped.

I did it as a quick and dirty, it would take some error checking and clean up to make it generally usefull.

Ill see what I can do.

General Mach Discussion / Re: outputs frome keyboard strokes?
« on: July 14, 2009, 07:01:50 PM »
To add VB code to a button you must first use screen4 to make it a VB button. Then open the screen, use the menu bar, operator, then Edit Button Script. All the buttons that are defined as Vb will blink, click the one you want to edit. An editor window will open.

see the VB topic in this forum for examples of button code.

The no shuttle error is a warning that you have the shuttle plug-in installed, but do not have a shuttle plugged in. Just delete the shuttle.dll file form the plugin folder and restart mach. Or just ignore the message, its harmless.

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: single phase vs 3 phase VFD's
« on: July 08, 2009, 08:48:52 PM »
Ive hooked up many VFDs, and all of them Ive seen are designed for 3 phase in and out, but work fine with single phase in. They must be de-rated about 1/3 or so, but they will work just fine.

You definitely need the correct manual, because most of these have about a thousand parameters you can set and without the doc s you havent got a chance to get it right.

General Mach Discussion / Re: outputs frome keyboard strokes?
« on: July 07, 2009, 10:04:19 PM »
Put a button on the screen that has VB coded in it to activate the output. There are many examples of this in the VB section of this forum.

Assign a hot key to the button.

If you dont want to see the button on the screen make it real small, or hide it on the edge.