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Messages - angel tech

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General Mach Discussion / Re: Swapping computer systems
« on: July 25, 2012, 04:32:35 AM »
i've not tried to transfer a complete mach from one computer to another, but i would have thought you'd need to go through the installation on the second to load mach correctly.
One thing i have noticed though, don't try to replace the original xml with the stored one when mach is running, make sure mach is off.

oops hit the wrong button

The basic procedure for the triac is:

1 Slow spindle to x rpm and look for spindle sensor then stop
2 home axis
3 set z to toolchange height
4 carousel in
5 see carousel in switch
6 release tool clamp
7 down carousel
8 see carousel down switch
9 rotate carousel to tool position
10 see carousel tool position switch
11 carousel up
12 see carousel up switch
13 clamp tool
14 carousel out
15 see carousel out switch

i have working macros for the triac atc 6 and 8 station.

it's because of this thread that i looked into it, i previously used the g43h value to set the tools from nine onwards

What a great forum this is.

ok i looked into this with a friend and he came up with the modulus command, which handles this well in the macro

not sure if this will play up in cam programs though?

so you'd have h1 - h6 in row 1, and h7 - h12 in row 2

Keep the tools in rows of 6 and call the tools as t1 - t6, then id the tools with h1 - h999

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: Novamill
« on: July 12, 2012, 11:39:38 AM »
Here's the video of Auto Tool Changer in action.


was the lid control original, or did you add it. It works well.

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