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Messages - Greolt

Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: Project just finished
« on: May 03, 2007, 06:41:02 PM »

Is that an air driven spindle?


General Mach Discussion / Re: Save Work Offsets
« on: April 24, 2007, 06:51:00 PM »

Thanks for that Graham. I may need to do that.

Just seems a bit strange to have a "Save Work Offsets" button that leads to a table to enter offsets and select save.

Then have these altered by other operations and catch you out when you don't want them to be.

Was hoping I just needed to have the correct selections made in General Config to not allow these unwanted changes to happen.


General Mach Discussion / Save Work Offsets
« on: April 21, 2007, 10:30:53 PM »

I have a fixture setup at a known position on my table.

Set "Fixture 2 (G55)" to the coordinates matching that fixture in the Save Work Offset table.

Home machine then select G55 offset, "Goto Z" puts me right where I want to be.  All good so far.

If for any reason I zero an axis it changes the G55 offset in the "Save Work Offset" table.

I don't want this to happen. I then have to re enter and save the correct offset in the table again.

Which check box on the General Config Page must I set to not allow the offset to change until I want it to?

Thanks,  Greg


OK after a couple of hiccups Art has fixed the bug and it seems to be working great.   :)


Show"N"Tell ( Your Machines) / Re: Here is a video of my CNC router
« on: April 12, 2007, 07:11:25 PM »

"The Fat Fella From Aus"     That's a bit harsh!!!  ;D   ;D

What sort of spindle do you have on that?



As most of you know Art is much more active on the Yahoo group so I have been posting there.

Art has found the bug and will have it fixed in the next release.  Yipeeee!!!!!!!

Soon I will have reliable Tool Zero macro.   ;D   :o

Thanks again Scott for getting me started here.



I have done some more playing around and discovered another clue.

After doing an X axis (slaved) move the macro plays up.

Then if I hit Reset twice (enter reset state and exit reset state) then do a homing sequence (Ref All) the macro will work again.

This is not a practical work around but may give someone a clue as to what is going on



Well I'm back.  :)

Is there any line or lines of code I can put at the beginning of the macro to sort of jerk Mach out of

whatever state a slaved axis move leaves it in?

I tried   Code "G90 F400"  like Scott had in his macro.  That made no difference.

Also tried hitting reset twice after a slaved move and before running macro.  Same no difference.

Any suggestions?


OK I unslaved the X and A axis, restarted Mach, and the macro continues to work after any sort of move. No problems.

Re select slaving. Restart Mach.  And an X axis move means the macro no longer works.


EDIT:  I am just now heading out the door for a few days hang gliding vacation.

So don't think me rude if I don't reply.  :D


No not at all Brian.  Slaving is working no problem. And continues to work properly.

The Auto Tool Zero macro will work as it should repeatedly up until I do any X axis movement

As soon as the X axis moves then the macro plays up and will not work again until I restart Mach

The action that stops the macro working is X axis movement. Dual drive or slaved axis.

Now the interesting thing is that a homing sequence does not do it even though obviously the X axis has moved.

I am presuming that is because a homing move is not strictly speaking a slaved move.
