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Messages - stirling

General Mach Discussion / Re: Machine Cutting Oversize
« on: May 10, 2013, 07:41:17 AM »
You don't say whether it's internally or externally oversize. A first guess might be (internal oversize) tool 0.005 oversize or (external oversize) tool 0.005 undersize. TBH my last guess would be kernel speed.


General Mach Discussion / Re: A axis setup problems
« on: May 10, 2013, 07:19:17 AM »
The reason I asked why you'd set the step pulse width to 5 in my first post is that you don't need to change it from the default 0 as far as the G201 is concerned.

The 201 steps on the falling edge and its min hold time is 0.5us. The Step Pulse setting in motor tuning is NOT the step pulse width, it's the time you want to ADD to the stock step pulse width that Mach puts out. Art says somewhere in one of his vids that this is between 1 and 2 us - so already 2 to 4 times greater than that needed for the 201.

However - You don't say anything about your BOB (if you use one). Some BOBs have Slooooooow optos and if so these can require longer step pulses from Mach. (one of the reasons I don't use BOBs).

You don't say what the current requirement is of your system BEFORE adding the 4th axis so whether the 4th is taking it over the limit of your PS is not possible to say.

All that said: you say in reply #9 that your power supply is 23Vdc. Chopper drives will not work below a "certain" voltage and the 201's min is 24Vdc so that could well be an issue.

EDIT: forgot to add that your 3.8mH motors "ideal" voltage for torque at speed is 62Vdc so in that respect also your power supply is not a good match.


Hi Keith - Can I ask you to read my first reply again? - It appears you're confusing and interchanging RAPIDs and FEEDRATE moves here and there throughout your last two replies.



Keith - on my system (R3.043.022) the behavior of G28.1 is not as described in the gcode reference.

The first phase of G28.1 is at rapid and the second phase is at the % of rapid as set in Homing/Limits
i.e. Feedrate is ignored regardless of whether it precedes or is on the same line as the G28.1.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 axis moving after exit/estop
« on: May 07, 2013, 03:56:01 AM »
I got a nice e-mail saying it was locked by a "stirling."

OK - I'm getting more than a little tired of people who haven't been on this forum for 5 minutes giving me the benefit of their sarcasm and disrespect.

I've been a member of this forum for seven years and a MOD for most of them. During that time I've done my level best to help hundreds of people AND taken my responsibilities as a MOD seriously - particularly when it comes to license issues.

Your first post strongly implies that you have not EXPLICITLY bought a license for this machine but have a TRANSFERRED license i.e. one that is actually licensed to someone else but that came with the machine when you bought it.

If you read http://www.machsupport.com/purchase.php you'll see that this is in direct contravention of the license conditions.

It was for that reason that I locked your thread whilst I took advice.

I guess if there's any question if it's a pirate license you just lock first and answer later? If you want to see my license just ask...

When I need your advice on how to MOD this site I'll be sure to ask you. I would have been absolutely within my rights to have BANNED you instantly according to the rules of the forum. Instead I chose to give you the benefit of the doubt and ask for advice before I did anything else.

As you've sarcastically pointed out, you got an email saying who locked your thread, there was absolutely nothing stopping you asking me why but you chose not to do so. That is your problem not mine.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Im new to the Mach3 program
« on: May 06, 2013, 11:16:28 AM »
After that just need to take care of my motor vibration when its no moving and I can start trying to run my machine. I already contact the company where I get them from and they told me to try  couple things. hopefully my motor stop vibrating when its no moving.

In Reply #19 and Reply #23 I was querying whether your parallel port could be 3.5V rather than the 5V that may be required by your drivers

...but I don't seem to be able to find your reply...

The thing is, if your driver requires 5V logic and your PP is 3.5V, this could be causing the driver to see an indistinct logic level which could be causing it to dither.


General Mach Discussion / Re: JY5300 AND JY800W AND MACH3
« on: May 06, 2013, 05:06:42 AM »
Firstly I think there could be a language problem here. You appear to have misunderstood the phrase "You're having a laugh aren't you?". That does NOT mean I or anyone else is laughing at you. But to suggest we "start over" at the point you did after all the help you've had and often ignored was just not going to happen.

We were at a point where I think we were very close to solving your problem. After I suggested the changes to your XML which you said you'd carried out on your machine, ALL I asked you was whether you got that warning screen up. I needed to know this in order to tell you what to do next.

I have no idea why at that point rather than just reply with a simple yes or no you decided to do and say just about everything you could think of EXCEPT answer that simple question.

Hood was with you on this for TWO pages and it's pretty clear to anyone who cares to read this thread that it was a bit of a struggle to get you to follow simple instructions AND GET USEFUL ANSWERS BACK.

I then took over and was doing my best to help you for another TWO pages with similar results. UNLESS WE GET ACCURATE ANSWERS BACK HOW ON EARTH DO YOU THINK WE CAN PROCEED TO THE NEXT LOGICAL STEP?

What happened next is I'm sad to say getting more and more common on this forum lately. After getting help all this time, just because things may not be going the way you'd like, you decide to get attitude with the person who has done his level best to help you.

You seem to have no problem responding with lengthy, aggressive and rude nonsense and yet STILL you refused to answer a simple yes/no question.

I'm out.