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Messages - stirling

VB and the development of wizards / Re: macropump problem
« on: January 27, 2014, 12:03:09 PM »
Executing movement from a macropump is a no no. Executing movement from a macropump whilst you're commanding movement elsewhere (your code implies A is moving) is a no no no.

One on one phone support. / Re: Need Help. Motors not responding.
« on: January 27, 2014, 11:48:55 AM »
if it's find the mapping between pin numbers and BOB connections we're playing - why not shutdown Mach, download a copy of parmon, turn all outputs off and then one by one turn them on and find which one is which on the BOB with your trusty meter?

Everything you've said suggests a dodgy Z DIR signal either on your BOB, your PP cable or the PP itself.

Try using a different pin for your Z DIR. In ports n pins I'd suggest you disable your A axis for a moment and set the Z DIR pin to 9. Then of course connect what's labeled on your BOB as the A DIR pin to your Z drivers DIR.

General Mach Discussion / Re: spindle toggle on/off in estop
« on: January 25, 2014, 08:55:01 AM »
Also - some security dongle drivers can poll the PP.

Mach3 under Vista / Re: Use of Embeeded Widows OS - Good, Bad, or Ugly?
« on: January 24, 2014, 06:55:16 AM »
You see, Ian, you called me a pig.

No I didn't you muppet. I wasn't calling you anything - It's a well known saying (google it).

If I'd used an alternative with much the same meaning "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink" Would you then infer I was calling you a horse?  ;D

LOL - What is wrong with you? (rhetorical - I'm done here).

Mach3 under Vista / Re: Use of Embeeded Widows OS - Good, Bad, or Ugly?
« on: January 24, 2014, 05:09:07 AM »

Given your general attitude I really don't have the will to try to get you to understand what I think is a very simple concept.

You're obviously immovable from your (mistaken) belief that ANY hardware base that runs ANY version of Windows constitutes a 'general purpose Personal Computer'. So I'll leave you to it.

As my dear old Granny used to say "You can't teach a pig to sing. It just frustrates you and annoys the pig".

Mach3 under Vista / Re: Use of Embeeded Widows OS - Good, Bad, or Ugly?
« on: January 23, 2014, 08:46:35 AM »
LOL - Your reply takes the term high-handed almost to the level of an art form. If my reply here comes across in a similar vein - it's purely intentional.

Your first post specifically related to Tormach so it's a little intolerant to then criticize me for replying in that context. I'd written my reply before your second post narrowed the terms of reference and frankly I couldn't be bothered to re-write it.

It is my understanding that the Embedded OS is targeted at purpose build devices with a very limited scope. Examples might be a modem, a router, perhaps a kiosk in the mall, a variety of 'smart' products from thermostats to coffee makers, but certainly not a general purpose PC .

Then it would appear you have a confused understanding of the distinction between an "embedded system" and an "embedded operating system".

Whilst most of the examples you cite might or might not be implemented as "embedded systems" the only one that is likely to employ an "embedded operating system" is the "kiosk in the mall". The others are highly unlikely to employ any operating system at all - embedded or otherwise.

With regards to your ending statement "but certainly not a general purpose PC" I see no evidence of anyone suggesting you *would* do this so your statement seems somewhat redundant. Perhaps you have some confusion also regarding the distinction between a mobo and a PC or even perhaps what PC stands for.

I am aware of the whole Tormach KISS principal, but how Tormach views the technical capabilities of their customer base is not the discussion I was looking for. Tormach has fans and foes and you are apparently the former, but debating Tormach policy is not the discussion I was looking for.

If I have no idea how this response relates to anything I said. I'll just say that I have no experience of Tormach whatsoever. I've never used their products and doubt I ever will. I am neither a fan nor a foe - I know nothing about them.

My question was about the merits of using an embedded OS for CNC control.

You're on the Mach3 forum - I therefore assumed that you were not asking about "an embedded OS" but specifically "Embedded Windows". I believe I've already attempted an answer to this but in your eagerness to snipe you appear to have either missed it or ignored it.

There have been quite a few reads of this thread and thus far no useful comments on the topic, so I will conclude that there are no members here familiar with Embedded OS. That is not a startling conclusion since I doubt anyone would voluntarily use an embedded OS for a general purpose CNC controller.

Again you reveal your confusion not to mention your arrogance (oops - mentioned it). Of course no one would use an embedded OS for a "general purpose" system - but I'll say it again - it appears to be only you that thinks it's been stated somewhere that you might. "Special" and "General" are by definition complete opposites. A CNC system seems to me to be a reasonable candidate for the term "special purpose". After all - you don't generally surf the net, write letters, view movies, print out documents or listen to your favorite tunes on a CNC system whereas you might well do all of these on a "general purpose" or Personal Computer system.

I don't purport to be a guru - savvy - or anything else. Just a bloke with 30 years professional operating system and software engineering experience in both application and systems development - some of which was indeed on embedded systems. I have to confess though I've never used Windows Embedded so please feel free to sue me if anything I've said is incorrect. (or snipe back at me again - whichever lights your candle the brightest).

General Mach Discussion / Re: G31 Doesn't work properly
« on: January 22, 2014, 03:53:54 AM »
sounds like noise so the usual procedures - check connections, screening, capacitors, debounce.

One thing you could try first though is to switch it to active low. Connect one probe wire to 5V and the other to your input and change the resistor to a pull-down i.e. between pin and ground. I'd also replace the resistor with a higher value. somewhere between 1K and 10K. That 220 is very low for a pullup and is used with that other probe to allow sufficient current to light the LED.

Mach3 under Vista / Re: Use of Embeeded Widows OS - Good, Bad, or Ugly?
« on: January 21, 2014, 01:02:39 PM »
I read the Tormach blurb and it seems to me that for this particular app. the "embedded" bit is not the point of interest (though I would say that it satisfies the definition). The real point is that the OS & mobo are stable and available and will continue to be so for another decade - or so they and MS say anyway.

If you look at it from a suppliers point of view it's a complete PITA that mobos/procs and the chosen OS are constantly being made obsolete almost before they're cold.
How warm and cozy it would be to have a virtually guaranteed source of an unchanging OS and mobos for the next decade.

Bottom line - as an end user you'd get a mobo and an OS that they (presumably) know works and if it goes tits up in three years time you can hold them to their blurb and buy a slot in replacement. Not something you're likely to be able to do with any confidence with a/another mobo or windoze (think of a number - any number).

You could also win admiring glances from beautiful women by telling them that your system is embedded. Me? I'd just tell them I can program in both Pascal AND COBOL...


General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach 3 Driver Test
« on: January 19, 2014, 12:57:28 PM »
and then copied to the files to the workshop PC running on Windows XP

What exactly do you mean by this? (It may make a difference depending on what this actually means)