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Messages - Greolt

General Mach Discussion / Re: Pause/Feedhold LED broken again?
« on: March 09, 2009, 07:07:09 PM »
Glad to know I am not loosing my marbles.  ;D

Re down loaded and installed Ver 3.042.021  and they don't work.

Guess I need to stay with the lockdown version.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Pause/Feedhold LED broken again?
« on: March 09, 2009, 06:49:57 PM »
OK thanks Brett.

That just proves I am doing something silly.   :)

Just to confirm, you tested in  Ver 3.042.021

Maybe I will do a fresh download of that version and try again.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Pause/Feedhold LED broken again?
« on: March 09, 2009, 05:30:05 PM »

Reinstalled Ver 3.042.020 and all work as expected except for OEM LED 80

So despite that Brian says he tested it and it's working.  It is not working for me.  :)


General Mach Discussion / Re: Pause/Feedhold LED broken again?
« on: March 09, 2009, 05:05:59 PM »

System function "pause"

OEM LED  80  "Pause Active LED"

OEM LED  805   "Pause LED"

OEM LED  111  "Feedhold when part of a block executed - remainder pending LED"

None of these will work for me with Ver  3.042.021

The other thing is that the "Run" LED does not go out when in feedhold either.

As far as I know all the above worked in Ver  3.042.020


General Mach Discussion / Pause/Feedhold LED broken again?
« on: March 09, 2009, 04:43:56 AM »
In November (3.042.018) we got the pause/feedhold LED fixed after such a long

In January (3.042.021) it appears it might be broken again.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Wrapper and toolpath view
« on: March 05, 2009, 05:09:59 PM »
I am not at the computer I have doing 4th axis right now so can't check all I have set.

However I do know that the diameter that is set in "Rotation Diameters" affects how it is displayed in the toolpath window.

Not sure if this is intended but it does.


Screen designer tips and tutorials / Re: Very Cool LED/Button Combo
« on: March 04, 2009, 08:15:36 PM »
One other thing that it is worth mentioning in this thread of Ray's for the information
of readers who might be wanting to try this two state LED idea.

When placing two state LED and placing an Image Button over the top you must assign a transparent PNG image to the Image Button.

Otherwise the two state change or flashing will not work. 

That little quirck has had many a first time screen designer scratching his head.  Me included.  ;D

This to my knowledge has not been documented.


Screen designer tips and tutorials / Re: Very Cool LED/Button Combo
« on: March 04, 2009, 07:50:47 PM »
Yeah it is a great feature and works really well.

For instance I have a very bright Estop/Reset button that flashes red and yellow.  Very hard to miss.   :)

In fact I have this sort of thing all over my screen sets.  Get a bit carried away now and then.  ;D

If you look in the bitmaps folder for the standard MachMill graphics you will see the two state graphics I mentioned.

If you want it to simply change, then select "red/green"  and if you want flashing, then select "red/green flashing"

Benny has a video explaining how to make two state graphics using Real Draw Pro.  It can be found in the video tutorials section.


Screen designer tips and tutorials / Re: Very Cool LED/Button Combo
« on: March 04, 2009, 05:53:34 PM »
Sorry to burst your bubble Ray, but screen designers have been doing this forever.  ;D ;D

Even the standard Mach screen has half a dozen two state buttons.


I have to confess I have not used it yet.  ::)

Fully expect to do so when making a new screen or feature, but not yet.  I tend to do these things in fits and starts.

Mostly just bought it to show a bit of support for Scott.

Scott has always been very generous in his support when I have needed it.
