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Messages - Greolt

General Mach Discussion / Re: HotKeys for Outputs
« on: March 28, 2009, 06:11:43 PM »
Hood's is good for outputs 1 to 3 but if you want outputs above that number, there is (as far as I know) no OEMled to check.

So here is a minor variation on the theme,

If IsOutputActive(OUTPUT4) Then
end if


EDIT: On further inspection looks like there are LEDs for higher number outputs.  Up to 6 at least. However the variation still works too.  ;D

The port addresses on the first page of "Ports and Pins" is ignored when using the SS.

Just set the relative inputs and outputs to port 1, 2 or 3 as needed.

Pins 2 through 9 can be set to inputs on port two. This is done on the SS config page.

However not all BoBs will support this.

Personally I forgo a BoB and interface with the SS directly.  But that is just me.  Others would disagree.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Spindle speed syntax error
« on: March 27, 2009, 11:25:32 PM »
Hah!!!!  I am not going mad after all.  ;D

What would do that?


General Mach Discussion / Re: Spindle speed syntax error
« on: March 27, 2009, 05:37:10 AM »
Yes you are spot on Hood.  That fixed it.

Funny thing is I have Mach loaded on three computers and every one of them in every profile had it on one line.

How did that happen?  Must have ghosts in the house or something.

I certainly did not do it.

Thanks,  Greg

General Mach Discussion / Spindle speed syntax error
« on: March 27, 2009, 04:51:52 AM »
For a little while I have been getting strange behaviour of my spindle speed control.

Thought it must be a glitch in my electronics.

The symptom I have had is, the gcode sets the rpm.  The DRO updates as it should..

But the actual RPM is whatever was last used.  Until I nudge the override, then it goes to the correct rpm.

However I have discovered there is some problem with the spindlespeed.m1s

Here is the line.  As far as I know this is Mach standard issue,

rpm = GetRPM() SetSpinSpeed( rpm )

The VB editor does not like it.  Calls a syntax error on "SetSpinSpeed"

Version R3.042.022


Greg just tried it by simulating the home switches and Mach just ignores the home move for the axis that is active but will home the rest (assuming they are inactive) It doesnt seem to move the opposite way.

You need to uncheck "Home Sw Safety" on the config page.


Greg, thats the way I have the home switches now, didnt know that Mach would move the opposite direction if it was active, however that may not give you an accurate home unless it actually moves the wrong way until the switch is inactive then goes back onto it for the actual homing move, does it do that?

No it just moves off the switch.  And that is probably the same accuracy anyway. 

However I tend to home again.  Resulting in a very small move, on and off the switch.


If a home switch is not at the end of axis travel then it should be set up in such
a way that it is active all the way to one extent of travel.

If this is done then Mach will know which way to seek the home switch.

When not active Mach will seek home in one direction.  Towards the home switch.

If already active it will seek it in the other direction.  Also towards the home switch.

This is easier to set up with non contact type home switches.  EG optical or proximity switches.


Like Ray I too would be very interested to see what can be done in this area.

However I don't see that I could make any meaningful contribution.

My dad always said...... "you can know just enough to get yourself into trouble".....Well that's me.  ;D ;D


Newfangled Solutions Mach3 Wizards / Re: 2.83 ready
« on: March 22, 2009, 05:52:28 PM »

Have not had a chance to run any wizards yet but one small thing you might want to fix.

The position of the Inch/MM LEDs which "show on all screens" conflicts with some of the other graphics.

Most notably the electrical shapes page and less so the choose operation page.

Pedantic I know.  ;D ;D ;D
