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Messages - Greolt

Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Screendesigner "machscreen"
« on: April 16, 2009, 08:43:32 AM »

@Greg the font isn't stored in the set file. I will set the font to the default values of Mach3, but if you change the font setting in Mach3, you have the problem again.

Just to demonstrate what I was talking about.  Three pictures of a small segment of one of my screensets.  All the exact same segment.

1. Screen as seen in Mach3

2.  Screen as displayed in Screen4

3.  Screen as displayed in MachScreen

As you can see Screen4 replicates it accurately as it will be displayed in Mach3.

MachScreen does not replicate as it will be displayed in Mach3 so well, which makes it more difficult to get the layout looking good.


NC Pod / Some movement on the NCpod site
« on: April 15, 2009, 11:03:35 PM »
After nearly a year there has been an update posted on the NCpod web site.

Happened a month ago and I only just noticed.



General Mach Discussion / Re: Homing Slave Estops system
« on: April 15, 2009, 10:34:07 PM »
Yes because they are slaved.

Can you imagine Y trying to travel on its own without A following along?


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Screendesigner "machscreen"
« on: April 15, 2009, 09:25:24 PM »
Another minor thing,

The text in labels shows different size in the editor to what it does when screen is loaded in Mach.

This makes getting the text size to look right, difficult.


EDIT:  By the way it will be good to get your experience involved with testing Gerry.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Routing Acrylic!!! Please Help!
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:23:38 PM »

Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Screendesigner "machscreen"
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:07:49 PM »
Yeah I think scroll bars are going to be a must-have.  :)

Klaus I can't believe how great your editor is already.

We have been wishing for something like this for as long as I have been using Mach.

Fantastic job.  :D


That will depend on what steps per unit you have for that axis.

If it a nice round number like 1000 steps per unit the DROs will read zero.

More likely you have a number like 567.689 steps per unit.

In the background Mach does all its calculations to ten decimal places.

My router has 106.7653 steps per mm and it will cut complex jobs over many hours and return to zero within a thou.

The software will not accumulate a measurable error after every cut segment you must look beyond that point.

It might be electrical, pulses may not be getting to drivers reliably, drivers may be missing pulses.  You still have not told us your driver, power supply, BoB etc setup.

Or you are missing steps because of performance tuning or mechanical issues or even mechanical slippage.


EDIT:  This is a recent purchase.  What have the people that you bought it from said about this.

Also what is the rapid speed and acceleration set to?  And what is the lowest values you have tested it at?

Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Screendesigner "machscreen"
« on: April 15, 2009, 05:55:53 PM »
Looks like it is limited by the size of the screen that the editing is being done on.

You are using a laptop right?

Here I am on a 1680 x 1050 and this is what I get.  Largest option is 1024 x 768.


EDIT: I see that the custom size is the max viewable screen area taking into account the taskbar.  If I autohide the taskbar it increases the max user defined by that amount.

Looks like scroll bars are going to be necessary for a lot of users.

Lokey you need to get past thinking the pulses are not lining up with the DROs

The DROs only count the pulses as they go out the LPT.  They do not report pulses that Mach thinks it has sent out.  Only pulses that do go out.

The problem exists somewhere after that fact.

If after cutting a job the DROs return to zero and the machine is off position then you have lost steps for whatever reason. 


Machscreen Screen Designer / Re: Screendesigner "machscreen"
« on: April 15, 2009, 08:45:08 AM »
OK,  XP here


EDIT:  It would be good to get a few more users trying this out to get a better spread of reports.

So any readers who have a bit of Screem4 experience want to jump on board and give it a whirl.  :)