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Messages - ZASto

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The surface of a wood that I've been cutting in 2.5D was uneven, and since there was a lot of material on the back side, the whole model was "sunk" for 1mm.

It is not "saVe Z" but "saFe Z".
In Vectric:
Z1 Clearance is height above material Zero (top of material) for rapid movement (G0) to avoid any clamping of your material.
Z2 Plunge is height above material to which your tool will be plunged at rapid speed (G0) before switching to programmed plunge speed (G1).

For Safe Z in Mach3, you should do some reading (Mach3 manual, no link at the moment).

And please, take look at the attached picture. If it does not make all clear, then sorry  ;D

Anyway, wrong :D

Roman numeral 4 is represented as "IV" not "IIII" :D

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach3 not saving configuration
« on: December 11, 2015, 12:17:41 PM »
@ERTUGRUL: English please.
Non English part of the forum is further down.

General Mach Discussion / Re: dxf to g code dimension problem
« on: October 20, 2015, 04:41:28 PM »
You're welcome

Nema na čemu.

General Mach Discussion / Re: dxf to g code dimension problem
« on: October 16, 2015, 08:57:50 AM »
Tango PCB exports .dxf in imperial units. If your machine is set in metric units, be shure to add G20 at the beginning of your G code.

General Mach Discussion / Re: best softwear for mach3
« on: January 10, 2015, 09:19:53 AM »
For sign making you can use Vcarve Pro and for carving crests an like, Aspire, both from Vectric.
As far as I've been "playing" around, I've found that Lazy CAM is not intuitive enough for me to use.

I use Aspire for all my G-Code generation and 2 1/2 D modelling.

Code from Blue Screen b Big Tex (with minor modifications by me):

Code: [Select]
Sub Main()
'made it a sub, so you can return on "show stopper" errors

'Option Explicit
'Written by Big-Tex December 29 2010
'Modified by Poppa Bear, added Greolt's and Arbo's changes 08Dec2010

Dim xjobcoord, yjobcoord, zjobcoord, xmachcoord, ymachcoord, zmachcoord
Dim ZNew, ZPlate, Zplatetomaterial,PlateOffset, ZMaterialmachcoord, Zplatejobcoord
Dim xprobeloc, yprobeloc,xtoprobe, ytoprobe
Dim FirstProbeDist, FirstRetractDist, SecProbeDist
Dim CurrentFeed
Dim CurrentAbsInc

xjobcoord = GetDRO(0) 'get current job coordinate for X
yjobcoord = GetDRO(1) 'get current job coordinate for Y
zjobcoord = GetDRO(2) 'get current job coordinate for Z
xmachcoord = GetOemDRO(83) 'get current machine coordinate for X
ymachcoord = GetOemDRO(84) 'get current machine coordinate for y
zmachcoord = GetOemDRO(85) 'get current machine coordinate for z
xprobeloc = GetUserDRO(1100) 'get x machine coord of fixed plate
yprobeloc = GetUserDRO(1101) 'get y machine coord of fixed plate
xtoprobe = (xprobeloc - xmachcoord + xjobcoord) 'calc x move to fixed probe
ytoprobe = (yprobeloc - ymachcoord + yjobcoord) 'calc y move to fixed probe
CurrentFeed = GetOemDro(818) 'get current feed rate
PlateOffset = GetUserDRO(1151) 'get plate offset DRO
Zplatetomaterial = GetUserDRO(1102) 'get calculated material offset from somewhere else?
CurrentAbsInc = GetOemLED(48) 'Get the current G90/G91 state

'//////// the block below will set all your reusable vars depending on Inch or mm.
'//////// this sets the vars so you only need ONE large block of probing code.

If GetOEMLED(801) Then 'ON = English Measure INCH
FirstProbeDist = 6.0 'first probe travel
FirstRetractDist = 0.1 'first probe retract travel
SecProbeDist = 0.25 'second probe travel
FirstProbeFeed = 12 'First Probe Feed Speed
SecondProbeFeed = 2 'Second Probe Feed Speed
Zretract = -0.5 'Z retract
Else 'OFF = Metric Measure MM
FirstProbeDist = 150.0 'first probe travel
FirstRetractDist = 3.0 'first probe retract travel
SecProbeDist = 6.0 'second probe travel
FirstProbeFeed = 300 'First Probe Feed Speed
SecondProbeFeed = 50 'Second Probe Feed Speed
Zretract = -12 'Z retract
End If

'//////// Error Condition checking code

If GetOemLED(16)<>0 Then 'Checks for machine coordinates
Code "(Please change to working coordinates)"
Exit Sub 'ERROR! exit the macro
End If

If GetOemLED(825)<>0 Then
Code "(Z-Plate Grounded Check connection and try again)"
Exit Sub 'ERROR! exit the macro
End If

'//////// Start Probing Code, Probe In -Z direction.FIXED PLATE
'//////// The vars will be Inch or Metric from above if/else statment

Code "G0 X" & xtoprobe & " Y" & ytoprobe 'move to fixed plate location
Code "F" & FirstProbeFeed 'slow down feedrate to 12 ipm, or 300 mmpm
Zplate = (GetDro(2) - FirstProbeDist) 'probe move to z - 6", or 150mm
Code "G90 G31Z" & Zplate 'FIRST Probe Operation!

While IsMoving()

Zplate = GetVar(2002) 'read the touch point
Code "G1 Z" & (Zplate + FirstRetractDist) 'retract above hit point +0.1" or +3mm

While IsMoving()

Code "F" & SecondProbeFeed 'slow down feedrate to 2 ipm, or 50 mmpm
Zplate = (GetDro(2)- SecProbeDist) 'probe move to current z - 0.25", or -6.0mm
Code "G90 G31Z" & Zplate 'SECOND Probe Operation!

While IsMoving()

Call SetDRO(2,Zplatetomaterial) 'this sets Z DRO to calculated material offset
Sleep(250) 'pause for Dro to update.
Code "G53 G0 Z" & Zretract

While IsMoving () 'wait for probe move to finish retracting

Code "G0 X" & xjobcoord & "Y" & yjobcoord 'returns to the previous X Y job location

While IsMoving()

Code "F" & CurrentFeed 'returns to prior feed rate

'//////// End Probing Code,

If GetOEMLED(801) Then 'ON = English Measure INCH
Code "(Z axis is now zeroed in English Units)" 'puts this message in the status bar
Else 'OFF = Metric Measure MM
Code "(Z axis is now zeroed in Metric Units)" 'puts this message in the status bar
End If

If CurrentAbsInc = 0 Then 'if G91 was in effect before then return to it
Code "G91"
End If

Code DoButton(0) 'Cycle Start

End Sub

I've also modified other button scripts to deal properly with Inch and mm measurements according to units to which the Mach3 is set (OEMLED 801)

Well, more suggestions:
Something is wrong with your optimization, actually it un-optimizes time to finish the drilling.

Optimization UnChecked:
Machine Time: 33:48
Cutting Time: 13:24
Rapid Time: 18:54

Optimization Checked:
Machine Time: 48:30
Cutting Time: 13:24
Rapid Time: 33:26 <====

GalBlastMMrel.txt is the input file, Happy.nc is file without optimization and HappyOptimized.nc is the slowest one.

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