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Messages - HimyKabibble

General Mach Discussion / Re: Motor Tuning not Updating
« on: February 10, 2009, 12:46:49 PM »
I can run the Y axis fine with the X pulses and the X jumps like the Y with the Y pulses. So the motor tuning is fine and the driver is fine.  I guess it is the SS?
Is this correct?   Any suggestions?
Thanks Hood



I'd try re-assigning the Y signals to different pins on the BOB, preferably on the other port.  Could be the BOB has problems on some outputs.  I think that's much more likely than a SS problem - Some of the CNC4PC BOBs don't like the SS.  I have no experience with the C23, but I've had several different CNC4PC BOBs now, and all had speed problems, especially when used with the SS.  I'm currently using a C11 that I've had to modify to make it to work above 40kHz with the SS.  You've already ruled out the motor and driver as the problems.  With SS, it can't be a PC or USB problem if the other axes are working properly, so you're down to either a fault in the SS itself (which seems to me highly unlikely, since virtually all of the logic is within an FPGA), or the BOB.  Could be just a failed chip in the BOB as well, and moving the Y axis to another output could prove that.

Ray L.

General Mach Discussion / Re: G43 Sheetcam Problem
« on: February 10, 2009, 12:16:14 PM »
My guess would be you need to modify the m6End macro to remove the move to 0.

Ray L.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Mach3-Stop between two parts
« on: February 10, 2009, 11:24:00 AM »
Thanks Hood,
To check if I understand, I'll repeat.
I think I put M1 code to stop, when preparing in SheetCam? Or?
What to put for continuing the job after that?

If I use FeedHold, does it do stop and start also?
Maybe this is a switch, not push button?


You can either enter a G-code "snippet" (click on the "G" icon next to the operations list), or modify the Post, so it will automatically enter the M00 or M01 at the appropriate place.  If you're literally inserting this between "parts", you can simply add code to the OnNewPart method in the post to output the M00/M01.

Ray L.

I think a really good starting point would be explanations of the eight billion configuration settings.  There are many things under the setup menus that I have no clue what they are, or what they do.

Ray L.

General Mach Discussion / Re: mach3 and laptop
« on: February 08, 2009, 08:29:56 PM »
It's not that it can't be done, it can, and has been many times.  But, in general, the power management features, and other features common in laptops (like on-board video) often create problems for Mach3.  If your motherboard/BIOS allows disabling enough of this stuff, then a laptop can work just fine.  Many, however, do not allow you this much control.

Ray L.

General Mach Discussion / Re: How do I tell Mach3 my CNC's table size?
« on: February 07, 2009, 09:09:26 PM »
All you need to do is position the machine where you want 0,0 to be, then clear the X and Y DROs by either typing in 0, or clicking on the Zero button next to each one.

Ray L.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Stepper Motor Problem/Issue
« on: February 06, 2009, 05:08:21 PM »
Thanks everyone.  While moving the axis connections around I noticed that the Y motor was making low volume a high pitched sound which has deteriorated to the exact same behavior of the Z motor.  You are probably DAlgie since the issue is creeping across the whole controller.  I bought this with the XYlotex gear installed and if I were starting over with a new mill I don't think I would purchase the XYlotex again.

So, knowing this along with the issue I have I'm just going to scrap the XYLotex and rebuild.  Can anyone guide me a little on what I should buy?  I think I am narrowed down a short list of Gecko or a Taig closed loop system.  I haven't seen anything stating that the Gecko gear is closed loop so shouldn't the motors I have work OK with it??  My current motors do have the optical coupling stuff so would this imply that they could also work with the Taig controller.  The optical stuff currently has a pigtail coming out of the motor housing that is cut and taped up.  I don't remember if I noted what type of mill I had above so just in case it is a Taig....

Thanks everyone.

The "high pitched sound" is just the PWM chopper - perfectly normal for nearly all PWM stepper drivers, including Geckos.

Ray L.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Z Axis Not Holding
« on: February 05, 2009, 10:06:50 PM »
Hi all hope everyone is doing well!!
I have a Atlas 9 x 42 knee mill converted to CNC 3 axis, with gecko drives and Mach3.
I mostly do wood products on this machine and it does a great job. Sometimes though
I need to do some milling in metal and I have a problem with the Z axis.
The Z axis is driven with Nema 34 900 oz in stepper with a 2:1 pulley / timing  belt drive.

When the Z does a plunge, as the tooling comes in contact with the metal the stepper will
skip several steps unless the plunge rate is set extremely low. The stepper does not have
enough power to drive the tooling into the metal. When I designed the conversion I talked to Home Shop
CNC and Rick thought that the 900 oz in motor would be plenty big enough. I have 1200 oz in steppers
on the X & Y and they are 1:1.

I was just wondering what size of motor other Bridgeport clones have for their Z drive motors?

Thanks for any help / advise!!

Is your Z axis driving the quill or the knee?  That motor should be plenty for the quill, but not nearly enough for the knee.  What pwoer supply voltage are you running?

Ray L.

General Mach Discussion / Re: smooth stepper
« on: February 04, 2009, 01:53:20 PM »
I'd suggest you get in touch with Greg at Warp9.  I've had a SS on my mill for 4-5 months, and not had any of those problems.  It's worked almost perfectly from day one.

Ray L.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Starter questions...
« on: February 04, 2009, 10:58:00 AM »

1) Can't help with that, but I'm sure Hood, or someone here, will have a solution.

2) OK, so if I understand correctly, you basically need to offset the tool position when using the disc, right?  If so, you can do this in the post.  You'd have to modify the OnToolChange method, so the post knows when you're using the disc tool.   You'd then need to modify all the motion methods (OnRapid, OnMove, On Arc) to add an offset to the commanded positions before outputting the moves to the G-code file.  If you have programming skills, look at the post you're using, and it should be reasonably self-explanatory.  Make a copy of it, and start modifying it.  You'll get the hang of it pretty quickly.  I've modified the hell out of mine....

3) OK, an external control panel can be controlled either by a macro, or a "brain".  Watch the videos on the Artsoft website to get an idea of the capabilities of these.

4) OK, there is a button script that controls homing.  Go to Operator->Edit Button Script, and click on the Ref All Home button, and it'll bring up the existing script, which you can modify.

Ray L.