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Messages - KatzYaakov

you can solve this i think in many ways
first fast option its not use as rotary axiss just use as normal axiss and make one round as 360mm or inches....
second option its by pp and use the plus minus ,but for this ou must create the pp by external software with some logic terms

when i start with pokeys  (about 4 years ago) we have many issues with noise ,more with there plugin for the realys cards
at beginning it was real big head ace for us(output was turn on without any command) and they blame...noise.. etc,..
but when they understand we not play games ,they take the problem in there hands improve plug in ,and after several software updates
i can tell you ,about 2-3 years many many cards "0" problems
no noise ,nothing
so this stable issue its real not point for me
about write the plc , i think that if you have some experience ( not much)with write code ,its very easy and much powerful then some patterns that some one build for you(like ladder) but this my opinion maybe some one else think something else
one more point very important for us its  remote control ,with windows software its very easy control and debug far customer
if you want i can send you link to see our ATC ( we have all typs,linear ,linear under gantry, carousel by toth wheel and carousel by servo)
also drill block with many drill inside


Much more then you describe,some points MUST consider while change tool
1.chesck if real have tool inside spindle
2.must cheack sensor( open and close) while cicle
3.must give solution for any kind of failure for example tool not unload or
Tool not look ,each solution it's according yours machine
4 must give. Answer for any events happening while change tool( and always happened many) for example workers press stop ,or air pressure fall
5 recommend ( for me it's must) write to external software or file ,the new too ,so next time you will turn on can compare before work,many many times for many reasons the tool Mach think it's inside the spindle it's not the real one
6 before change tool must cheack all
 Accoriese around not disturbing for example hood up...and all machine offset are clear,and cheack twice spindle not rotate
That what I can remember now from my car
Good luck

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Line 0: Zero Radius ARC
« on: July 28, 2022, 01:28:18 AM »
best way to define G2 G3 its by radius not by distance,because by distance can be even very litle difernt calulation betwen yours pp
and  mach  and will give you an eroor
try change the format on yours pp

why use external plc?
i use mach with pokeys , i use about 24-28 inputs  and about 50 outputs , i do all i need
 i use ATC with servo or without , and many other devices by the mach
in some cases when we have 2  or more axiss that need work in paralel i use 2 pc as master and slave
i cant think about any challenge cant implemet by mach ( many times need use external application but still all its conect to mach)
even RS485 absolute encoder to read the value i have c# application that run from mach
no need arduino , no need any external plc

for sure the kinematic trcp its external application (im use c#) with  3d geomatric calculation
i already have many external pp like this ,but what i do its that user not need real run pp
i make buton that when he click on it he just run the c# appliction that do all chnges and with API load the nc direct in mach

we now build also 5 axiss heavy duty cnc  with mach
this days im working on the kinematic TRCP
when its will ready i can show
but there one more point we need consider ,our c axiss cant rotate without limit,so me need always calulate whice
side arive (there several HSD 5 axis head that can rotate without limt but there life time very limit ,after few years the circle contactors finish there life)

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 tool path time
« on: June 09, 2022, 04:46:43 PM »
i think you can make such script to calculate ,not seem so complex

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Homing - back off velocity is ignored.
« on: June 09, 2022, 02:24:57 PM »
as i know homing cycle its not mach its plug in
so yours question should ask with yours hardware manufacture

Mach4 General Discussion / Re: Mach4 bug - or by design????
« on: June 03, 2022, 03:27:26 AM »
its problem this forum ,if steve will not back ,this forum value only for very minor simple question ,no real support