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Messages - Chris.Botha

I have a drawer full of rings i never wear.. i make them on impulse, wear them for a brief period then shelf them...  the madam has a similar drawer.. I make jewellers jewellery for her. technical marvels but usually but ugly ...


thats a star sapphire :)

my wifes first multisided index job! Gotta love a wife that can mill ;)

Great look, well done!

On a artistic note I have to say I preferred the unstained units.. more "spacey".. more tonal depth. But irrespective still a great look :)

Thanks for info dude.. A spare time project of mine is to mill a wax, with 0.025 to 0.050mm stock left, with a fixture I need to develop yet, cast the bugger with fixture inplace, then remount via said fixture so I can run a finishing pass over it. I am determined to pull this off.. one day ;)

Hi Martin.

the Original screenset is supplied by minitech, I downloaded MachScreen and spruced it up a little.. added some snap crackle and pop as it were ;)

contact Jack Heald at www.minitech.com for this screenset? He may oblige you? I think however quite a few of the functions in the screenset are related to macros written for probing and homing.

but im only vaguely familiar with these things so i speak under correction :)

nah keep blowing my head up dude ;)

this one off the press

not sure about pretty, but will likely look better after setting :)

Hey dude! Nice! I have never cut any metal other than AL.. what cutter, what feed, what depth and stepover! MUST KNOW!

lol ya now you mention it.. i see  a new line of jewellery.. Stash Rings :)

Folks.. from time to time I get to cut rings for Colin(colwax), and man, let me tell you , he designs some lovely one, but !! BEEEEEEG!!!

Most we are not able to post but this one I gotten his permission to post with, so I have decided to do a video tutorial for Rhinocam on this one too.

Without further ado :)

A sneak at the paths involved, 4 tool changes and heap of paths, this will be in video, the rest is methodology :), the only thing more interesting about this job is that it features a hollow head, ie: its not cut through to the finger and has a thin sleeve inside, so accessing those hollow area from the top at various angles was a fun exercise

Split a bit of signet tube off,

onto the conical cone clamps

onto the lathe to cut a lip to fit Niko/Kens fixture

Cut that lip!

Move lipped section into Niko/Kens fixture and Core the fingersize

Move it onto the Minitech and leave the rest to Mrs Botha ;)

Roughing Pass with 3.17 End MIll

Image of pass setup

Result of Roughing Pass

ToolChange to 0.8mm BallEnd and finishing pass as rotary

path representation from RhinoCAm, noteuncut areas,

Result of Finishing Pass, uncut areas clearly visible and inaccessible wit 0.8BE even as a index due to tool cut depth

Index pass with 10 degree pyramid using half of extract curve from Rhino Model, and A rolled 16 degrees to right

representation of path

repeat to other side reversing angle

And Voila!

Now for the inset art section roughing 3.17 EM

and paths represented

and result then DROWNED in oil and finished

as per this path with 0.076mm tapered cutter

resulting in this GLOP.... off to the ultrasonic..

and the final results!

and after casting I assume this wil happen :)

a few more, :)