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Messages - Jeff_Birt

General Mach Discussion / Re: Bosch Collet
« on: February 10, 2011, 09:53:17 AM »
The PreciseBits precision collets are awesome. I get the same response from everyone that buys them, "WOW". It's amazing that these router manufacturers do such a good job on the spindle bore and such a lousy job on the collets.


General Mach Discussion / Re: Screw whip help needed (8020 2x3 machine)
« on: February 07, 2011, 09:49:29 AM »
First check the screw by taking it out and rolling it across a flat table. If the screw flops around there it is a sign that it was not straightened after grinding. If the screw is not straight there is not much you can do to help except straighten it. Even with a relatively straight screw, if it is only supported on one end, you'll be limited to how fast you can turn it. Supporting the screw on both ends, under a bit of tension, will help keep it from whipping.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Should I run Windows 7 or XP?
« on: February 06, 2011, 11:45:36 AM »
There is no issue with SP3. I have a very, very old PC in the shop with a 1.3gHz processor, 512MB of RAM, etc and it happily runs XP-SP3. I have CamBam on it for the times I need to make a last minute tweak to something too. Other than CamBam and Mach3 I have installed nothing else on it.

For a stable Mach installation, start out with a clean install with the ACPI turned off. That takes care of the majority of issues.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Should I run Windows 7 or XP?
« on: February 06, 2011, 09:47:47 AM »
I have mach running on XP and Win7 machines. Given the specs of the PC in question I would install XP. For Win7 you'll need more RAM and a larger HD.

If I were buying a new PC for Mach I would plan on using Windows 7. I just set up a little touch screen Shuttle with Win7-64bit (on a dual core Atom processor) and it works great.

CAD/CAM consumes a lot of resources.  I wouldn't want that installed on the same machine running Mach3.  Even if you close the program, I'd worry about background processes that it may spawn and leave running.

In general it is a good idea to have a dedicated machine for a CNC control. As long as your not trying to run your CAD/CAM program at the same time as Mach there is no danger of having them both on the same machine. Problems can arise sometimes even with simple things like Adobe Acrobat Reader wanting in install dial home programs that can really screw up your CNC control PC.

SmoothStepper USB / Re: Z homeing routine
« on: February 04, 2011, 03:35:24 PM »
The debounce setting in Mach have no effect when using a SmoothStepper.

It sure sounds like switch noise to me. Can you swap the switch out with another one? Also keep in mind that the noise filtering values you enter in the SS config are in microseconds. Entering 2000 gives you 2 milliseconds, etc.

General Mach Discussion / Re: Newbie Problem
« on: February 03, 2011, 06:39:31 PM »
That is not an 'error', it is just informational. If you look in the general configuration window, you will see a section that controls what happens on initialization/start up (called Startup Modals). Generally it is a very good idea to have your control start up in a known state so if you try and jog you know what will happen (for example). The message is just letting you know that the initialization has been done.

SmoothStepper USB / Re: PMDX-126 and SS K1 relay (spindle power) control
« on: February 03, 2011, 02:36:57 PM »
Just the port 1 and port 2 cables.

I'm not sure that is such a great idea. The connector to supply an external 5V that is on the SS board, located up by the USB connector has some filtering built into it. If you are powering the SS through the BOB than if your BOBs power supply is picking up noise you are just transferring that noise directly to the SS itself. As far as an external power supply I would not mess with getting a PC supply to work, that is a very inefficient way of doing things. I have small 5V supplies here: http://www.soigeneris.com/MeanWell_PS_05_Power_Supplies-details.aspx (my website) that work very well with the SmoothStepper and do not have a minimum load requirement.

SmoothStepper USB / Re: PMDX-126 and SS K1 relay (spindle power) control
« on: February 02, 2011, 06:10:03 PM »
Are you hooking the 5V from the BOB to the 5V external power terminals up by the USB connector? Or, are you just using the Port1 & Port 2 cables themselves?

SmoothStepper USB / Re: PMDX-126 and SS K1 relay (spindle power) control
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:32:49 PM »
If you would try it that would be great. You might try it on USB power and external power to see if there is a difference. When you are testing on USB power you might want to pull the external power connector off. I'm just trying to determine if the noise is getting to the SS through the ribbon cables, the power cable, or the USB cable.

Also, if it seems to work on USB power with the ribbon cable(s) dissconnect from the SS, you might try it again with USB power and the ribbon cables connected.


SmoothStepper USB / Re: PMDX-126 and SS K1 relay (spindle power) control
« on: February 02, 2011, 05:22:29 PM »
Would you be willing to try something for me? Remove the UPS. Unplug the ribbon cable(s) from the SmoothStepper and make sure it is powered by the USB cable, not an external supply. This should still let Mach connect to the SS, with Mach talking to the SS (red LED blinking) try your shop heater and see if the SS/PC communication is still disrupted.