I like full keyboards on all my machines, I always use stainless ones with trackballs. Get them off eBay for reasonable prices but they only occasionally come up so you have to keep your eyes open.
I also have touch screens on all my machines, I usually get them on eBay as well, in fact the one on the Plasma was bought as a lot of 2 for £20 if I recall. They were not listed as touch screens but I noticed a USB socket on them so did some searching and found out that they were indeed touch screens, so snapped them up at the Buy it Now price

Personally never used a joystick, much prefer to use a MPG for everything, the CSMIO MPG motion is much nicer than the motion from Mach itself and it is very accurate in all modes unlike Machs MPG Velocity mode.
I fitted a hand wheel to my CNC Bridgeport as the manual controlled air motor was knackered when I got it. It worked fine by hand on the odd occasion I used it but normally I just left it set at one position which tended to suit most jobs.