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Author Topic: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?  (Read 292200 times)

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Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #430 on: September 03, 2016, 07:31:50 AM »
Well, i am being driven to despair with this damn thing, honestly! If i could lift it, i would stuff it in the garden and torch it!

Thought i was getting somewhere, as usual, went to test the values stored which looked good on screen by doing a dummy setup and placing each tool then going to Z zero.

Normally when I put a tool in the "current tool' box the Z DRO updates to reflect the new offset. This has stopped working now, it either does nothing or updates to a random number or updates after a random length of time.

I video'd it here as i needed to cool off over a coffee...


It has values for tool zero - this should always be zero? A value of -881mm - thats a big offset!!
This has nothing to do with whats in the table.

Does this damn system actually work or what? I cannot see anything i have or am doing that can cause this???

Any suggestions?

Offline Hood

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #431 on: September 03, 2016, 08:17:24 AM »
Have you tried with the encoder DRO or a User DRO rather than the axis DRO.
Try using my script exactly, it works for me on two machines and works for my friend on two machines and I have been using it for probably 6 years.


Offline Hood

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #432 on: September 03, 2016, 08:23:25 AM »
Just to add, I am no VB programmer as is evident from my VB and Ian often laughs at the way I do things but the important thing is that  they work and never fail and that is all I care about. Maybe I am just the luckiest person out there and for some reason I never see issues with them?


Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #433 on: September 03, 2016, 08:33:29 AM »
Well, i'm not sure if it is the DRO or the macro pump BUT I have taken it all out of the pump, put the whole lot inside the setting macro - it now operates blind but works ok and all other functions have returned.

I will find my copy of MachScreen and throw a DRO in there and try again but its not installed on the box yet.

Very odd.

Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #434 on: September 03, 2016, 10:30:04 AM »
Short video of it in use, this was with the A axis DRO which may have been the cause of some odd behaviour, not sure yet.


Anyone know how to add a user DRO? I tried in MachScreen but it seems to only let me add OEMDRO's ???

Offline stirling

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #435 on: September 03, 2016, 11:49:53 AM »
Dave - do me a favor and turn your phone on its side - It's like trying to watch TV through a fence.

Post your pump macro and button macro and I'll take a look at the issues you posted in reply #430.

Offline mc

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #436 on: September 03, 2016, 12:00:48 PM »
Has Mach4 got CV yet or S-Curve acceleration, I hear thats pretty useful??

From the various discussions I can remember on the yahoo group, the trajectory planner is the main thing that has had minimal changes from Mach 3. However Brian has said due to the way Mach 4 has been designed/written, the TP is a module, so there is the opportunity for it be re-written later without any major alterations to Mach 4, unlike Mach 3 where the TP was a core part of the program.

Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #437 on: September 03, 2016, 12:06:40 PM »
Thanks Stirling, zip file attached with the macro pump as it was at that stage and the macro that is called from a screen button.

Offline stirling

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #438 on: September 03, 2016, 02:01:09 PM »
I don't have a csmio thingy so what does setting/clearing bit 5 of index 90 actually do?

Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #439 on: September 03, 2016, 02:06:09 PM »
Its CS_Labs way of turning on and off the many outputs :)