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Author Topic: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?  (Read 389094 times)

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Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #140 on: May 23, 2016, 04:56:24 PM »
Yes I have the CSMIO/IP-A plus the MPG add-on.

Manual attached

It can have pc setup but no idea how, otherwise done through front panel

Offline Hood

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #141 on: May 23, 2016, 05:05:19 PM »
Connecting will be no problem as long as you have a computer with a serial port or if not a USB to serial adapter.
Just connect pin 5 on drive  to pin 5 on DB9 connector  and then pin 2 on drive to 3 on DB9 and 3 on drive to 2 on DB9.

Don't suppose you have a link to the software as well?
Usually much easier to set things up on a laptop rather than use the front panel but it depends how user friendly the software it. The Allen Bradley software (UltraWare) is quite nice  but the software for the drives I have on the Chiron is a bit less so, still easier than front panel though :)

Did you get the drive/motor from that link you attached? seems very quick delivery if from China.

Offline Hood

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #142 on: May 23, 2016, 05:14:23 PM »
Oh looked at the manual for the serial connections, dont connect as above LOL, the connection on the drive is not a DB9 like most.

Ok so it will be
pin 5 on drive to pin 5 on DB9
pin 1 on drive to pin 2 on DB9
pin 3 on drive to pin 3 on DB9

Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #143 on: May 24, 2016, 02:11:02 AM »
Yes the kit came from that supplier - he is extremely fast and good stuff too.

I only have a MAC laptop so will need to do front panel setup i think.

Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #144 on: May 24, 2016, 02:42:41 AM »
Hmm, going to need some help on this setup i think...

I have the motor, drive, controller connected, I can see the X axis encoder changing the DRO when i twiddle the spindle but when i take Mach out of reset the DRO stops changing?

There is no motion and the drive does not lock.

Probably a signal error?

Don't know if out/ins are active high / low from the CSMIO?

When out of reset there is 24v on the enable output.

Where to start here??

Offline Hood

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #145 on: May 24, 2016, 03:05:05 AM »
Ok you could use your computer for the machine to configure withthe software if you wanted, doesnt have to be a laptop.

Some drives, especially the Asian drives, have sourcing inputs which would mean they have to go to 0v to be active, not sure about yours would have to look.


Offline Hood

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #146 on: May 24, 2016, 03:17:28 AM »
Yes, looks like sourcing inputs so you have to take them to 0v to enable them.

Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #147 on: May 24, 2016, 03:26:00 AM »
So that is active low?

what i get is encoder input when Mach is in reset, when out of reset no encoder activity.

no lock up

no movement

I am pretty certain the wiring is ok, I have connected as per CSMIO dig

Enable output
Reset output
10-0-10v outputs

Fault input

all encoder lines + ground

thats where it gets a bit fuzzy - what Ins and outs should be enabled in ports & pins etc?
distinct lack of help in the manuals, probably the difference in going from simple step/dir to servo.

Offline Hood

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #148 on: May 24, 2016, 03:42:20 AM »
The outputs on the IP-A are Sourcing outputs, ie they put out 24v when active , your drives inputs are sourcing, they also output 24v which you have to put to 0v to make active. You will have to make an opto board or use relays I would think.

For testing you could just use a switch or even just joining the Input for the Run to the 0V of your supply, obviously Mach will not be controlling it.

Bit of a PITA that the Asian drives work this way, most European and USA drives have sinking inputs although some can actually be switched, my Lexiums can (just all though, not individuals)


Offline Davek0974

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Re: Bridgeport Knee Mill Conversion?
« Reply #149 on: May 24, 2016, 03:53:09 AM »
That is really confusing, so you cant go straight from CSMIO to the drive, have to fit relays?

On all ins/outs??

what a bummer.