Got X-axis motor plate fully fitted...
Limit switches next, Y-Axis Limits and home switches...
From the left we have Y--, Y-Home, Y++.
The home switch remains tripped once it trips so that i can home even if the switch is triggered, a home-offset value will take care of the switch position.
Then the X-axis, a bit harder this one, first idea...
From the right we have X-home then a dual-direction X-- & X++ switch. The picture is not quite right - imagine the right-hand switch is another roller type like the left one, I have one somewhere, just got to find it
The only down-side I can see is that it blocks the chances of using flood coolant again as the switches are in the way of the left drain hole.
Still thinking on this one.
Lost motion - is zero lost motion possible? never used a ball-screw machine. If i mount an indicator on the table, i can turn the Y-axis motor pulley about 1-1/2mm before the table starts to move. In terms of a Bridgeport thats really tight, the old screws had about half a turn of slop
but should it be tighter?