Hi LameIII
First of all, please describe the type of machine you intend to work with. Is it a 3 axis or 2 axis?
I am not familiar with the Logitech attack3 joystick, but I did a preliminary research on that and at a first glance, it seems that it is actually a two axis proportional stick with a throttle, which I think is a "one direction axis". By that I mean there might be no increase/decrease relative to a neutral point. There is a handle twist on another model, which I think it could be used as an axis. This should be the cause that you had you X and Y axes mapped, but not the Z axis.
The view switch seems to be the HAT or the D-PAD. And please remember this cluster could not be re-assigned.
Upon installing, the device assignment page will appear anyway. There, you should either select a predefined device assignment or define the functions at your discretion by selecting the "User Defined". I would suggest that you choose a predefined setting. e.g., 3 Axis Mill. Next you should check your "Device Button Mapping". Obviously it differs a lot with the conventional gamepad, so you better choose the "User Defined Gamepad". Then check the relevancy of each button of a standard gamepad to your joystick. After clicking on OK, you should assign you desired Mach3 functions on the "Device button assignment" accordingly.
I would suggest that you install Mach3 on whatever computer you have your hand on. No need to attach it to a machine. You can still run it in test mode. Later on, you can uninstall all or you can simply delete the plugin.
I would also urge you to read the manual, from page 10 to 28.
Please let us know of your progress.