What USB Joypads work? Was looking on Ebay and found a few, but what works? And is plugin working with latest Mach Version?
Any game device recognized by Windows as
Game Controller with buttons and joysticks will work, including the cheap game pads found on eBay.
I have tried a couple and they all worked - even the one I bought for less than $5.
To test a device - just plug it in and see if it is listed in
Control Panel -> Game Controllers. If listed it can be used by the JoyPad plugin.
There is no restriction to only USB game devices, as long as the device is listed as
Windows Game Controller it can be used - this means that ordinary Joysticks, wireless and similar devices can be used too.
Yes - JoyPad plugin supports the latest Mach3.
In addition to Mach PP (Parallel Port) the plugin supports SS (Smooth Stepper) hardware motion controller.
Tip - If you want to build your own custom control panel/device the base setup could be one of the cheap USB Game Devices found on eBay, disassembled and reassembled in your own casing or mounted on your own panel.
A lot of inspiration can be found on the web on how to build one...