New USB JoyPad plugin version 2.0This is a major release with a lot of new functionality and improvements. The focus has been on simplicity – making it real easy to set up and use.
The list of news is long, but here are some highlights:
Jogging:- Step jogging with joysticks.
- Continuous jog scaled by Jog Slow Rate.
- Easy switching between continuous and step jogging.
Buttons:- Easy button assignment via JoyPadSetup Windows program.
- Standard templates (button layout) for common machines:
Foam Cutter, 2 Axes Laser Cutter, 3 Axes Milling, 4 Axes Milling and 5 Axes Milling. - Simple button hardware mapping for different game devices.
- Build in support for common Mach functions.
- Buttons works even when Mach is running GCode.
- Build in support for safety buttons (Safe and Alt buttons).
Macros:- Macro code (Script) now in single file, M800, for easy code reuse and setup.
- Mach engine state, pressed button and safety buttons state available in M800.
- Macros can be run in any engine state.
General:- New improved User manual version 2.0.
- Support for most Windows game devices.
- No dependencies on current screen or screen set.
- User defined templates (layouts) can easy be shared with other users.
- did I mention it is free...

The complete list can be found in the User manual.
To install JoyPad version 2.0 plugin and setup program, download the RAR file JoyPad_Plugin_2.0.rar, containing the following files:
JoyPad User manual 2.0.pdf JoyPad User manual version 2.0
JoyPad.m3p JoyPad plugin version 2.0
JoyPadSetup.exe JoyPad button definition and template program version 2.0
Please make sure that you first read the user manual.Most of your questions regarding installation and usage will be answered here.
This version was developed along with Nader Atifeh in a joined project.
Nader has done a fantastic work on making templates, graphics, User manual and a lot more.
Please take your time to test it and share your experiences with others. I will also keep a record of the bugs, requirements, suggestions for improvements and enhancements for the future version. Minor bugs will be fixed, but don't expect a new version within a short period

This version could be used for most users and for a long period of time.
Any question about this plugin should be posted to this thread. I and Atifeh will try to answer all your questions in this forum, but encourage everyone to participate in answering questions.
It is after all a “Spare Time” project along with other projects, so don’t expect fast response…
Hope you will find this plugin useful, and, be safe.